Winston Street
4(2 reviews)Winston Street, Mowbray, TAS 7248
4(2 reviews)
Ranked 3rd best street by locals in Mowbray, TAS
Great for
- Cost of living
- Gym and fitness
- Internet access
- Lack of traffic
- Parking
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- No ratings yet
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
Reviews of Winston Street, Mowbray
Justin Goebel
Justin Goebel Property Sales
"Affordable and Convenient"
If Winston Street is an area that you are looking to either purchase a home or rent a home, affordability s the first thing that comes to mind. Generally the homes were built in the mid 1930's through to the late 1940's with the odd exception. The street is quiet and very close to the local doctors surgery, supermarkets, public transport, primary and secondary schools, not to mention the university is just over Invermay Road, which would be a 10 minute walk.
Great for
- Great investment opportunities
- Quiet Street
- Affordable living
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Students
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
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