Vermont Road, Mowbray, TAS 7248
Ranked 6th best street by locals in Mowbray, TAS
Great for
- Childcare
- Cost of living
- Gym and fitness
- Internet access
- Medical facilities
Not great for
- Lack of traffic
- Nightlife
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
- Singles
Reviews of Vermont Road, Mowbray
"Main Road Living"
Vermont Road is the main Road from Mowbray through to Ravenswood and generally the route which people travelling from the northern suburbs through to Waverley, Ravenswood, St Leonards and possibly Newstead would use. Vermont Road is alongside the Launceston horse race track and the Mowbray hotel is also at the end of the road (Mowbray end). Once on Vermont Road, transit times to some locations in Launceston are sped up due to the free flowing of traffic. Neighborhood is mostly made up of home owners with a few investment properties in the mix.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Hipsters
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
"Punters -- enjoy the races from your living room"
Arterial road linking Mowbray to Ravenswood. The street has three distinct sections – at the Mowbray end it is suburban, with Mowbray Racecourse on one side of the street and direct access from Vermont Road to the Mowbray Shopping Centre with all amenities. The middle section is semi-rural while the Ravenswood section of the road is rural. Overall is has a semi-rural feel rather than suburban with views from many properties over Launceston or through to the race course. Public transport is poor with but the street is less than 5 -10 mins drive to CBD of Launceston and services.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
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