Flemington, VIC 3031
Ranked 327th best suburb by locals in Melbourne (Greater) Region, VIC
Great for
- Internet access
- Public transport
- Medical facilities
- Resale or rental value
- Neighbourly spirit
Not great for
- No ratings yet
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
- Fashion Conscious
Reviews of Flemington, VIC
"Depends on which side of the rail you are on"
There's a huge difference between the two sides divided by the rail line. The side where the restaurants and cafes are is the quieter and safer side. The side closer to Ascot Vale is the bad side & cheaper side where there's lots of hidden community housing for drug users etc. Lots of doggy characters roam and police frequents the area regularly.
Despite the above, love the diversity, the convenience, and there are lots of great well educated people in Flemington that are nice to live next to.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
Living in the country with "birds and quietness"? You are a real estate agent aren't you. Let me tell you what it was like living on the Ascot Vale end of Dover St for 4 yrs. Every night there were troubled people screaming and yelling on the street. Neighbour's car got smashed downstairs. Someone followed me into the apartment car park once. I was on high alert every day walking home after work, as there was a crazy woman that kept harrassing me. The street had beautiful trees and some really nice people who just wanted to live life in peace. But that doesn't mean it wasn't problematic.
what era where you living here in? - Its nothing like that - amazing friendly neighbours, professionals with children, new families moving in - there is a street get together coming up ... you should come and see.
"Just moved here"
Just moved here with my partner and 2 year old and love it! Living near Edinburgh and Marshall street so catching the train to work is super easy. Awesome cafes and restaurants on racecourse road. Overall very happy with this beautiful suburb.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
Rentals in Flemington
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"Character filled homes, great sense of community and every amenity under the sun."
Flemington is a small suburb squeezed between Kensington and Ascot Vale with many of its most beautiful streets will hidden behind the hustle and bustle of Racecourse Rd. Flemington is home to outstandingly well preserved heritage homes from Edwardian and Victorian eras located on well established tree lined residential streets. The Flemington community is very proud of its small suburb known to many because of it's vast array of multicultural dining options along Racecourse road. Pin Oak Crescent is a well hidden character filled shopping area with delicious coffee and bustling cafes. Public transport is a major plus with the CBD less than 10 minutes by train and tram access at your doorstep. Major hospitals are also situated within 5-10 minutes. We moved here 12 months ago from the inner south and have not looked back. We love the lifestyle Flemington offers and have been made so welcome by our Neighbours. We have everything we need here and will stay for a long time to come!
Great for
- Proximity to the city
- Community feel
- Character homes
- Eating Out
- Public Transport
- Shopping Acces
- Primary schools
- Tree lined streets
Not great for
- Traffic during events at the racecourse
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
"Great sense of community and convenience"
Flemington has really started to gentrify in the last few years but hasn't lost its diversity and character. It has great access to the city and surrounds, which means I can spend more time with my family before and after work. We love that there are still stables in the back streets.
Great for
- Horse stables
- Unique character
- Eating Out
- Public Transport
- Shopping Acces
- Primary schools
- Tree lined streets
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
"Great family suburb with everything here"
We move here 18 months ago from the inner north east and are loving it. We were surprised that insurance premiums were significantly lower here. There is a good community feel and lots of young families. Pin oak cres is charming and racecourse rd has great dining options. Parking can be a challenge outside our house though if we try to park at lunch or dinner time due to the presence of the great restaurants and cafes on pin oak. We love the move here.
Great for
- Tree lined streets
- Primary schools
- Farmers market
- Eating Out
- Public Transport
- Shopping Acces
Not great for
- Welled dressed drunks on race day
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Trendy & Stylish
"Great Intercity suburb- you have everything you need!"
his is not completely accurate. Flemington is great for Nightlife, we have all the clubs and pubs 5 minutes away! We are great for Shopping Options, we have every store you could possibly want right outside your doorstep. The reason it isn't great for parking is because we have so many shops and restaurants that people from all over Melbourne come here. It's the best thing being able to be 5 minutes away from the city and having so many sources of transport around you.
Great for
- Eating Out
- Public Transport
- Shopping Acces
Not great for
- Parking at Night time
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
There is a park + coffee shops with many families and professionals enjoying the Ascot Vale side of the railway line. Living here in the tree lined streets, including gums, is like living in the country with all the birds and quietness. Easy stroll to Pin Oak, restaurants and Kensington, plus picnics at the open Flemington race course with ducks. Like any inner suburb there is mix and diversity of people that is a celebration.