Coburg hasn't got much to offer, and yet seems to be highly rated by people. I don't understand why. It feels very boxed in, basically a boring suburban area.
"Overrated, dull suburb"
Elsternwick is very expensive, but I always wonder why. It hasn't got much to offer. Just a typical suburban area.
"Awesome little hub of great Greek restaurants"
Oakleigh's Greek Centre is one of the best hidden gems in Melbourne.
"Beautiful area... The old Australia"
Brighton is one of the best spots in Melbourne, close to the beach and has a great village area. As a result is very affluent and expensive.
It reminds me of how Australia would have been without the Government implemented mass immigration of the past couple of decades.
"Poorly-maintained front gardens"
Padbury is close to the beach which is great, but it's very much a working class area still, and the streets aren't particularly nice.
"Great Vibe!"
Wembley is situated next to two beautiful lakes, is close to the beach, and the streets are tree-lined and peaceful. Very nice!
"Development has ruined it"
Subi was once a great suburb, but it has since changed into a dull lifeless place. Yet it is still very expensive.
Shenton Park is a snobby little soulless suburb, full of boring young families. It doesn't even have a place to drink at!
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
"Amazing Suburb"
One of the best suburbs in the country. Overlooks the river. Beautiful tree-lined streets. Lots of parks. Good people.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
"Lots to Like"
Close to the river, fantastic tree-lined streets, good cafes, close to the city.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
Most of the police there are corrupted
"Could have been great"
Footscray has had so much potential, but unfortunately it still feels like a London Ghetto.
Absolutely terrible suburb. The Greens voters of Victoria should all be forced to live in this suburb for a while, as they are the ones who have made it this way.
That would only be the main road(Hampshire rd/Harvester rd that has the main shopping strip on it, and in and around market place, the actual suburb of Sunshine is a very good neighbourhood, with good quality living. The issue with the main street(Hampshire rd from the Sunshine railway station to Ballarat Rd and it being a terrible place to go especially with your kids is currently being addressed. With a new main shopping area WITHOUT the court house and drug addicts/recidivist criminals roaming and selling and buying drugs with all the drunks on the chairs and tables being smashed and kicked smashing the place up, they come from suburbs outside of Sunshine. This new main shopping precinct is getting bigger by the day, and that's the Home Co shopping centre on Ballarat road near the Duke street intersection and its close surrounds, Most people are choosing to go to this area of Sunshine to shop and bring their children as its safe not full of toxic people and creeps. In North Sunshine a new roast duck and pork restaurant has opened so you can go and get what you need without being harassed by some toxic person and asked for money so they can score some meth or heroin. In this area their is construction of new retailers and restaurants and even a huge new medical centre, so hey maybe we can all call the main street of Sunshine goodbye for good and leave it to the Brimbank council and its staff to have to eat in the place they and the state government created.
"Close to the beach"
Elwood is on the beach which is great, but it is very expensive to rent/buy, and there are also a few dodgey characters around, as with St Kilda.
"Mainly vistors"
St Kilda is an exciting suburb, but also has a very high percentage of transient people and druggies.
"Flemington has several massive ugly towers full of State-housing flats."
There are sections of great historic homes, but there are also lots of terrible apartment blocks full of State housing. Not a nice suburb to live.
"Full of State Housing"
Ascot Vale has large sections of State housing projects which completely spoils the area.
Those housing commissions that spoil the area are homes. Where would you like all those people that live there to go? Around 42% of homeless people experienced domestic abuse, now your saying they should move because they spoil the area. Im not sure how old you are or how much knowledge you have but Im turning 15 this year,
sure I may not have the best spelling or grammar but I live hear and I know what I see. Ive learnt to respect people and understand peoples lives. State housing does not make ascot vale a bad place it makes it a welcoming place. Ive never felt unsafe or experienced danger in ascot vale.
I can only assume you refer to the continuous shift in immigration policies since the 70s that was needed, amongst other reasons, to attract the skills required to advance our economy and quality of life. Oh what joy it would be if everything had just stayed the way it was in the 60's. Why, we wouldn't have the internet as a platform to whinge and importantly all those pesky women who insist on pointing out the racist and uneducated views of a few as they would still have very little participation in public life. yes, that is the way Australia should be. Idiot.