I need an honest opinion is Melton a rough place to live or is it family friendly?
51 answers95 following

I need an honest opinion is Melton a rough place to live or is it family friendly?

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51 Answers

You must be joking BaysideGirl, unsure & all other nay sayers.... how old are you guys, are you guys blowing smoke out your backsides... STOP Lying to people with false information, where do you derive your statistics? I grew up in Collingwood then moved to Northcote and now in Melton South and I can definitely say Melton looks like a holiday destination in comparison to Collingwood & almost on par with Northcote. But don't take my word for it, here are the stats on an interactive map.

To get you started however and as a point of reference, by crime rate per 100,000 people;

Hawthorn = 7,271
Northcote = 7,347
Hoppers Crossing = 7,770
Sandringham = 8,216
Melton South / Brookfield / Eynsbury / Exford (yes they are combined, same post code) = 8,130
Epping = 10,346
Melton = 10,811
Frankston = 12,877
Prahran = 14,708
South Melbourne = 20,390
Ardeer = 20,432
Campbellfield = 22,535
Collingwood / Fitzroy = 22,951
Melbourne CBD = 65,440

I don't know about anyone else but Melton South looks pretty good to me. Its people like you, with a name like bayside girl and unsure (likely a non Melton resident or someone who has trouble follow them) who give Melton a bad Stigma when its not deserved. The stats speak for themselves, People like you add to the Stigma and smart investors use this to keep Melton under the radar as one of Melbourne best kept Secrets. Dirt Cheap with high rental yield, Not too far from Melbourne, Sunbury, Weribee, Geelong, Ballarat, Hepburn Springs, etc.... The area is one of Melbournes fastest growing areas and has one of the best ratios of population to job ratio.

I think people keep giving Melton a bad rep but it truly is a hidden gem that people will likely look back in the future and wonder why they didn't see it becoming a prime position to invest / live, the simple answer will be that they didn't do there homework.

The problem with some people is they look at stats such as the Vic Police website crime stats aka My place found here;

This only highlights the region as a whole despite you typing in your postcode and expecting it to return results being suburb specific, this is where most people get it wrong. In other words what im saying is, when you type the postcode for melton south, the stats will bring up regiona & devision info and will include Melton South, Melton & include a whole bunch of surrounding suburbs that are included in the division and the stats are then compiled, but even then you will see that the Melton (Brimbank) Region isnt as bad as people think.

Melton and surrounds come up as north west metro division 3, there are a total of 4 divisions not including Melbourne CBD (division 1). Division 3 then is identified as Brimbank Region which includes the following Suburbs;
Albanvale, Albion, Ardeer, Brooklyn (shared with the City of Hobsons Bay), Cairnlea, Calder Park, Deer Park, Delahey, Derrimut, Hillside (shared with the Shire of Melton), Kealba, Keilor, Keilor Downs, Keilor East (shared with the City of Moonee Valley), Keilor Lodge, Keilor North, Keilor Park, Kings Park, St Albans, Sunshine (see Sunshine Residents and Ratepayers Association), Sunshine North, Sunshine West, Sydenham, Taylors Lakes, Tullamarine (shared with the Cities of Hume & Moreland)

The total Crime (per 100,000) for Brimbank (Division 3) of North West Metro Region = 7,881.4

That Said, I will show you how wrong many people are about Melton and its surrounds, but keep in mind most people bring up the stats from Vic Police Website and don't zone in on the suburb itself, but again even as a region you will be very surprised with the findings.

Darebin Region which happens to be part of the North West Metro Region but is classed as (division 5)

Suburbs in this region = Alphington (Shared with the City of Yarra), Bundoora (Shared with the Cities of Banyule and Whittlesea), Coburg (Shared with the City of Moreland A few properties, primarily the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, lie within Darebin), Coburg North (Shared with the City of Moreland A few properties, primarily the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, lie within Darebin), Fairfield (Shared with the City of Yarra), Kingsbury, Macleod (Shared with the City of Banyule), Northcote, Preston, Reservoir, Thornbury.

So what is the crime per 100,000 in this division?
Darebin crime = 9,696.4

WOW, Thats almost 2,000 more crimes in Darebin. I have lived in Darebin and can tell you I would leave doors unlocked, keys in car, Windows opened. Seriously I felt 100% safe in Northcote. That said individualy Northcote isnt far off in crime per 100,000 than Melton South & I can tell you I feel pretty safe there too. It comes down to this, Trouble Follows Trouble. If you live a Troublesome Life,Id say Trouble will follow you, generally if you dont bother anyone and not an idiot you will generally be OK in any Suburb.

I will list some more regions for comparison (now that you got the drift of how the vic police site presents its data please look up the regions for yourself to see the included suburbs)

SO we already have;

Brimbank Region = 7,881.4
Darebin Region = 9,696.4

Now some others;
Moorabin Region = 6,257.0
Westgate Region = 7,859.9
Fawkner Region = 9,459.6
Frankston Region = 10,407.3
Dandenong Region = 10,527.0
Prahran Region = 10,834.0

As you can See, the Brimbank Region doesn't look so bad after all.

Stop believing the opinions of unqualified people or people who have had a bad experience in the area, There is Good and Bad Everywhere. Be good and people will generally be good to you. Don't attract trouble into your life and there likely will be little trouble in life. Do your own research and and interpret the data properly, You wont often find people like me who work as an analyst (not in real estate, in IT, but nonetheless I'm a sucker for numbers and percentages) and will make life easy by answering your question (Properly might I Add) I back up my word with references.


I really do hope this helps people, nothing worse than making the wrong decision based on false information. At least you have the references to the data and can make a decision for yourselves rather than someone else making it for you. Please do research the links I have provided, they provide valuable insight and disprove the naysayers.

Good luck.


Agree all the above. Inner city has far more crime.


Caroline springs is better then Melton for family living ..

Why don't you ask someone who has grown up in Melton and has children living there? Melton is far, far better to raise a family in than most suburbs and the CBD! I would keep it quiet so people who know can invest now and rip the benefits later. I have lived in inner suburbs and worked at night in the CBD and Prahran .... and I can tell you stories that I saw with my own eyes that you only see in movies! So don't critisize Melton based on statistics alone or on isolated experience.

I'm the roughest. Add a comment...



You may have a mental sickness if you think that a place is not worth living just because Africans are living there. Crime, poverty and other social ills have race dependent. People of any race can fall prey to them.


Don't do research on the inter web, just go there. You will quickly see how terrible it is. If you think it is God, then you will probably fit it, and I feel very sorry for you. Canterbury is lovely.

My advice is simple dont ask these forums you dont know who is behind the screen. Take a drive talk to locals better if you have any contacts living there. Stay in a motel or in a air bnb place for few days travel to and from your work place. Checkout the schools, medical facilities, and other facilities. At the end of the day you and your family decide is it the place you want to live.

Melton is quite a nice place lol. I've lived in StKilda, Wantirna, Southbank and in Brimbank, but melton 's the safest I've felt out of all of them. Yes, it mostly consists of middle class families, and yes there is a stigma to the area, slowly but surely fading over time. People are building their mansions along Coburns road and in the newer estates. People who ised to live here 20 years ago, who come back for a visit, can hardly believe the transformation. I'd be buying now before the nearby woodlea and Thornhill estates are completed, cause thats when the prices will skyrocket again.

I've lived in melton back in the 90's i have seen it grow into another Braybrook. Melton in near Dear Park. St. Albans Sunshine Foorscray The rat race is spreading like a disease. Melton is a hole

Got first hand experience of the place.Kids in nearby school.Lots of great neighbours.who event cut my grass when I am not @home. Invites for Lunch,Christmas etc. Share beer talks.Everyone is friendly.Never had any criminal issues. (heard few breakins along with others suburbs.nothing special for Melton). (Drug users ,ice addicts.I have seen .Like any other Melbourne subs).Plenty of Variety eating options.Aussie,Chinese,Indian,Thai,Lebanese,Greek ,Italian,European,Vietnamese etc. Huge woodgrove shopping centre. 28 mins to 45 mins by train from Southerncross. Lots of council activities,Melton Hospital coming in Melton South. Low traffic.Good connectivity.Plenty of good schools and child care. Dont plan to move soon. But dont want more ppl to come there. so if you hate the place. Thank you .Dont come.

If you're a city girl you may find it hard to adapt at first but then it grows on you. Its for those who enjoy a quiet life as there isn't that much to do there. If you don't drive there are usually buses or the Melton sth station or diggers rest station to get to and fro. We have never been robbed in Melton and I've seen more druggies in Richmond than what I have in Melton.

OMG everyone is entitled to their own opinion! I will tell you straight up....It's A DIVE!. Yes you get your good & bad in all suburbs!..I live over in the south eastern suburbs and proud of it ...I would rather have the bad from here, than have the good from Melton. Houses pretty much all the same & really cheap & cheap rent, hence why they live there because thats all they can afford. I have family there and they are just as bad...NOT good people...DONT MOVE IF U KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOU...stay where the suburbs are family oriented, & heaps safer, richer in life etc & only go there if your desperate!

Yes dont take advice from this unquallified person who is obviously derranged. think your toilet would be paradise to you after living in Melton...c'mon, its a houses..low poverty incomes!! U have obviously been living there to long because its a DIVE! Perhaps u have forgotten what its like to live in a family oriented place, with nicer schools...people, parks etc...its a much richer quality of life!...yeah sure their is crime like everywhere in THE WORLD....but it doesn't change the facts...MELTON IS A DIVE!!!!

WOW what a mouthful!!! I fell asleep through all of that! So long...who are u trying to convince!! Yourself I think...but nody else!!

on ya buddy, seems someone actually knows what they are talking about for once. lived in melton my whole life and not a single issue. its all about the company you keep


I want to get something pls


I grew up in Footscray ,yarraville loved loved it! In the 80s and 90s and then we moved to Melton south and spent a few teenage years there and I didnt like the country ..however amazing place to be bored and smoke weed and safely walk the streets with our hair sprayed fringes and our video nights hahaha! It was safe ..I was a kurrunjang snob and I spent one year at Melton high ! Rough .spent our summers at the weir and railway bridge and half of summer jan jug caravan park . Safe ? We were fine ..I do go back to Melton once a year? And its gone to shit ! Its scruffy and apparently dangerous ? I just go back to visit what school friends who have never left ! And down south is rough ? And Main Street Melton is apparently rough and a few friends in kurrunjong and the same so I guess its a shame Im not sure I would move back there? I have lived in south Australia for 25 yearsI have family all through Victoria ,east Melbourne was a mixed bag and st kilda has always been mixed as well ..Kensington as a little child was fun ..full of poor poor old Irish families ..good memories Footscray was my home and yes if I had the money I would move back to Footscray or east Melbourne .xzoe


I've just purchased in Melton, Kurunjang. It quiet, the main street High Street has a country town feeling to me and I like it. I moved from Essendon. The BIG thing I'm disappointed in is that the neighbours are extremely uninterested in being friendly. As a general rule everyone keeps to themselves, and not interested in a 'Hello' or chat. Infact they seem a little weirded out or suspicious when you try to introduce yourself lol. In Essendon we knew the whole street, we would get together for drinks and dinner. But loving the area otherwise. Very pretty.


I've Iived in Melton West area. I used walk for exercise at park feel safe. Nothing problems. Only day time always busy around people in park are safe in Melton West area because most growth young family with kids around. I like it.


Simple just ask real estate agents in Melton they will tell you truth.

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I wouldn't live in Melton ever, horrible place even just to visit.


what part of melton are you talking about ????


totally agree

Thank you.




I agree. Dodgy


Police in this area won't look out for new comers either,especially if you have a lying troublesome neighbor lthat knows a dodgy copper, like I do. Been here 3years and cannot wait to move to better pastures. This town is controlled by racism ,druggies, drones that stalk your homes ,aswell as track,hack or put lasers on residential security cameras. Causing trauma and unsettlement to innocent people


Why does this thread live ?? Ill give you a summary, the 20,000 who bought a house in Melton and the dozen or so real estate agents say it is better than Toorak and East Melbourne. The other 6 million Melburnians tell you the truth.


Why is it better than Toorak and East Melb? By what measure?

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I have lived here for 7 years, and am just about to move and get out of here. Its affordable, which is great if your starting out, but thats about it. The schools aren't great, the people can be racist and there is a horrible stigma attached to the area. I have found it to be far, but with the freeway, it's not that bad to the city. The area has limited shopping centres and the town is now HUGE! Too many people. I find it now 'dirty' and the area just doesnt have a nice feel to it. Im glad to be leaving.

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Looking for a home in Melton South, VIC 3338

make your move now - its the best place to buy property and live now - look at the crime stats from Vic police and you will see melton doing really good.


RACV and VIC police wesite shows how safe Melton could be. You should really be checking the site , guess you have not checked this lately as Melton rating is really good - BTW , it is un Australian to put down a community - Also i dont see Vietnamese in Melton as much as i see in other suburbs


Remember every culture has bad & good people. You may met wrong Vietnamese group that why you said not so very nice at all as "Full to the brim with Vietnamese - they are all unemployed sadly" Re-think! the inner of your own heart, written & mind before you can judge other of different culture. I have known many Vietnamese they work very hard. Most of them getup as early as 4Am in the morning till dawn, and very education people who are working very in variety higher rank in the the society. I have Vietnamese friends who live in Melton, they has shop, their children study in university, and work in health section, social worker, engineering and willing to help & give their earning to poverty and needy. ... There are certain Vietnamese people unemployment because they old, Cant expect them to be in the workforce, but their young kids can work and they do work hard just like many other culture.v..v..

I've lived in Melton since 1981 - have had two different homes - one in Melton West, and one in Melton Central. Have had excellent neighbours always. Just recently retired, and we intend to live here after we downsize. Raised three children in Melton, and found it to be a good place to raise a family. I suppose if you moved to "some" of the wealthier eastern suburbs, it would probably be better in some ways, but not everyone can afford to do that either. Trouble follows trouble as someone earlier mentioned. If you intend to buy in an area of Melton, check it out thoroughly first. Talk to the neighbours, find out what they think. There are some parts of Melton where I wouldn't buy, but lots of good areas too.

So where are the good areas in melton?

I've lived the past 22 years in Joan St, centre of Melton. No issues with living here. Previously lived on Argyll Circuit, Melton West - we never had issues there either.

Geelong is the worst city in all the world to live. Its full of wankers, druggies, drunks , criminals and a spastic dodgy council. People living in geelong are all are all depresed and they are all pro Geelong. The fact they like living in Geelong proves their mentally unwell. The capital for drugs, achohol, criminals and suicides in australia is Geelong by far. It is a 100% truthful fact.

Lol....I would rather have crime & live in a good suburb where its greater & safer for my family...than have crime & live in a slumy suburb like Melton! Crikeys!

Thongs and socks.


Omg Geelong was our Friday night drive in the 90s gosh we would pile into our brothers cars ..go to all the live music events xx teenagers we were naive dumbasses.xxskate boarding was the days xx

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Moved to central Melton last year after living in Brunswick and Essendon areas most of my life.
Its much safer and much quieter in Melton.It has great park lands and a massive shopping centre. South is a little rough but no worse than any outer eastern suburbs.
The only problem is that everyone i know who still live in the inner suburbs like to tell me how bad Melton is.
I figure that most of them have paid 600k plus for the inner areas, so they need to justify that some how..
Yarraville and Footscray are now a popular areas, 10 years ago they were classed as bad areas. All that has really changed is the house prices and more cafes..


loved your 600k comment, so true. i'm potentially moving from sydney to melton west for work. i grew up in a place call merrylands, known as the drive-by capital of Australia.. couldn't be worse than that.

I am planning to move from SYD to Melbourne, most likely Melton South. Don't know much about the area. But heard lots of new houses and being built

I am planning to move in this area as well. Please advise me if Melton South is a good suburb for tennagers?


it's not Toorak, South can be pretty rough but on a whole I think Melton isn't as bad as some people think.


In short, Melton Brookfield areas are improving a lot. So far it's a good place to live.


Dont believe the bias. It is one of the worst places in all of Australia to live. I would only go there during daylight hours, and then recommend a short stay if possible.

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I live in kurunjang i thought it was ok but at 4:30am saturday morning i had 2 men try to get into my house banging on my door telling me to open up i was suppose to meet them at tabcorp raceway... I told them they have the wrong person and go away. (i didnt open the door)
The 2 men continued banging and repeating themselves.
They left and returned 10 minutes later all over again.. I yelled from my hallway i have called the police now go away... They swore at me and took off fast in a car. I called 000 immediately very shakey and the police only took 6 minutes to arrive.


When did it happen? Recently in2019?

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crime in melton is out of control.....whilst paying for petrol one day i turned around to see two men driving away in my car...sure i shouldnt have left the keys in the ignition but its not the point...i shouldnt have to worry about anyone stealing my prized possession....however i am glad that they are now serving a lengthy sentence


Did they fine you for leaving your keys in the car? They should've............

Have a check on the data in 2011. Even better now,%20VIC Go to above link and start to compare - its better to believe what you see

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Honestly, as someone who has lived there in the past (when I was younger, with my family, before I was old enough to make my escape) it's not that great. It has it's plusses, like decent family shopping, lots of schools and daycare and activities for kids, but these days it has been overrun with less tasteful characters and isn't a nice place to live anymore. My grandfather has lived there for 30+ years, and it's nothing like what it used to be.
The rent is cheap, which is a big plus. I think you should spend some time there before deciding.


Well said, i grew up in Melton too, its was great in the late 80's and early 90's then all the trash started to move in from surrounding Western suburbs.

I agree...I have been visiting Melton since I was very young. To me it seemed semi rural back then with not a lot in it..The only shopping centre at the time was built across from my relatives in coburns Rd...I will admit that its a totally different place these days...I wouldn't live there even if you were to pay me. Im sure you have found a much nicer place now!

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You would have to be down and out to move to anywhere in Melton. I thankfully just sold our family home after living there for 28 years. The place is FULL of ICE addicts / drug dealers that have no respect for anyone. Our home was robbed several times, and the police there just can't be bothered even attending after our last home invasion. It may have great shopping centers but that's it... Don't hire any local landscapers, fencers etc, they rock up stoned or high on ice then demand to be paid in cash..

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Not for a family its too rough and crime is out of control

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Don't move there, there is a reason why its cheap!

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I work in Architecture in the CBD, and I purchased a large block of affordable land in 2017, then designed and in 2019 I built my house in Cobblebank (originally in the Atherstone estate and part of South Melton). Having lived here a couple of years now I'd say 99% of the time the area is very peaceful, probably the worst thing to happen so far is the occasional neighbour playing some bass music which is pretty minor really, the majority of the neighbours are friendly hard-working people, and wave or say hi to you whenever you see them.

The local Cobblebank train station was completed in December 2019 and is a good new station with regular services to the city, only taking about half an hour on comfortable v/line trains, Cobblebank village is also under development and will open later this year (2021) and will feature Coles and other stores, a new hospital is planned, also a massive Bunnings store is about to open close to here too which is handy when you own your own home and need to make the occasional improvement or buy the odd fruit tree for the backyard.

I like how the area is both close to the CBD by train, and also close to the country, and towns like Daylesford, Ballarat and even Bendigo can be visited on a short day trip. There's also good recently-concreted walking and cycling tracks nearby which I have certainly utilised a lot for exercise, particularly during the lockdowns of 2020.

I have lived in South Melbourne, St Kilda, Maribyrnong, Derrimut and now Melton (and also a few places overseas) and I can honestly say that where I live now is more quiet and peaceful than places closer to the Melbourne CBD, another reason why I moved from Derrimut to here is because a Master's student, boarding in my house at the time, was beaten up by a gang of thugs whilst walking home from the Deer Park train station.

So far so good, yes there's the occasional bogan, but I haven't really seen druggies in this suburb, I guess because I keep out of trouble, and tend to move in circles removed from the criminal element, an element that exists in many suburbs and towns worldwide. Another bonus is the mortgage is low, and I don't stress about money these days as I used to when living in more expensive locales closer to the CBD.

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I have lived in Melton West (Now Harkness) for over 20 years.
Together with my wife, we are raising two amazing boys. We live in the beautiful estate of Westlakes (Sovereign Gardens) and the other families in our street are like family to us.
The people of Melton are genuine, caring and supportive. Over the past 20 years we have seen the town grow. It will keep growing. The more that come, the more good and the more bad will settle here. There is a mix of people with money and people with a little. There are snobs, there are bogans. There are wonderful families and not so wonderful families. Basically, just like any other place.
We have never been a victim of any crime in twenty years. We did have many moments of considering should we move.. when we really thought why we would want to.. it was to escape the stigma of what others actually think of Melton. Yet, we are happy... we are not drowning in debt, our neighbors are like family and the conveniences of Woodgrove at our doorstep, new train stations, (Metro trains to arrive soon) together with an easy commute to the largest growing industrial area of Melbourne makes living here amazing.
Like another poster wrote, my family could honestly live in any suburb in Melbourne we choose.
If youre the type that worry what others think, are full of yourself or If you want to keep up with the Jones dont live in Melton. You wont like it. But if you want a lifestyle that is not slaving away to debt, among genuine hard working Australians from all over the world, great conveniences that doesnt require you to drive across Melbourne then perhaps check it out. But dont listen to either people that dont live here, or people that did leave, now drowning in debt and are justifying their decision by bringing down the reputation of a beautiful Melbourne suburb.

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I thought to give a 2016 overview of Melton South. I have lived here now for a tear and a half. I have lived all over Melbourne including Richmond, Box Hill, Toorak, St Kilda Rd, Abbotsford, Windsor, Burnside Heights, and Altona North. What I love about Melton South is it is so quiet at night. There's no city hum, and the air just smells fresh. The bird life seems to enjoy it too. I'man IT professional and essentially I could live anywhere just about on my salary but Melton South ticked the boxes for me. I bought my house in cash given they are still undervalued so no mortgage is a hug plus. Why be tied to an interest compounding treadmill all your life when you can free the shackles?

Melton South also has a fantastic shopping Centre (Woodgrove) and just up the road you have the train station, a brand new Coles that is being built and the best Pizza and Fish & Chips shop I have ever tried. And I'm not being biased. I love my Pizza so was more than pleasantly surprised! The Coles complex including surrounding shops (some already finished) are all brand new and very modern, similar to Woodgrove. It was a bit overdue as the old Coles was looking a touch shabby.

Melton in general is also easy to get around with no gridlock you get in poorly planned areas like Sunbury where as soon as the boom gate closes, cars come to a halt like a version of peak hour on CityLink and it's almost impossible to get a car park on the two main shopping strips. Sorry Sunbury but too many people, no infrastructure. Melton on the other hand has plenty of car parking space, and a huge variety of shopping and a Cinema complex.

If you commute to the city, you get to ride on the plush seats of the V Line train that are comfortable and the journey is all but a half hour ride as there are fewer stops in between. Give me Melton South any day and if you are looking for capital growth, wait and see what happens in the next two years. Or if you prefer to drive, during peak hour it's an easy straight run with an average of 80-100km most of the way until you hit the western ring where is slows a bit but nothing like the tedious Monash. Why people put up with the Monash? Horrible, gridlock day in day out. Life is short, and Melton South is like being in the country but with all the infrastructure one could possibly need. And to cap it off you have plenty of sports grounds, kids activities, fishing close by, motor cross, skateboard park, Tabcorp Park if you like the horse races. People who who may bag this place should probably live here and see what they are missing out on! Cheerio Enjoy your city smog and gridlock!

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Great place for family


Bahahaha! I guess when you dont know any better you truly believe the GARBAGE thats spews from ur mouth..I wouldn't bring a dog up in Melton..obviously u have forgotten what it's like to live in a real suburb, or perhaps u never have!! & thats all u can afford!

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Dont read the reviews from above - look at the crime stats from Vic police and you will realize CBD is the worst place to live. Look at the figures and you will see Melton is by far is pretty safe.The house price will rocket once the new estate and the shopiing centre comes in - remember , in 1980's no one wanted to be in Richmond , now its a diffrent scene. There are many developments going on this area and i put my money here.


Unfortunately I think you may be one of the few who say good things about Melton. I knew people who grew up there and wouldn't want a bar of it anymore. It's a shame as in any suburb there are always undesirables, but it depends on the percentage. There's a reason why you can still buy an established 3 bedroom house for around $250,000.

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I read the entire post & have just moved from Townsville to Melton South for medical reasons. I am 100% In agreement with the entire post
Well said

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I bought a block of land in Melton South. A huge pile of rubbish was dumped in my block a few weeks after the entitlement. If you've got some money or would like to save up more for a better area, do that. Unless you can only afford little money, avoid Melton.
When you see so many Holden Commodores in the neighborhood, you know it's the sign.

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No its horrible and getting worse. But I suppose its what you are comparing it to , I am comparing to where I live (East Melbourne 50%, Mt Eliza 50%).

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"suppose if you moved to "some" of the wealthier eastern suburbs, it would probably be better in some ways, but not everyone can afford to do that either."

Glad your not another one that sticks up for the place no matter what even if it looked like a third world country. There are rough areas too in the East - of course there will be higher crime rate, smaller houses etc. the closer you get to the city...that's everywhere - even noticed in America, New Zealand and Thailand. Melton used to be a small country town - same as Bacchus Marsh and Sunbury.

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I have lived in Melton for 8 years my neighbours have been wonderfull we tell one another when we are going on holidays so we can keep an eye on everyones house ...
Macs pub sports bar is great meals at a reasonable price is awesome and the staff who work there are awesome and lovlely people ... Hannah watts park is 3 acres of park land.... creek running thru it and u can cycle walk or run along the toolern creek for 2 hrs ....Iam 2 blocks from main street town centre ...


Pls dont share good stories.You will invite more ppls.

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I suggest that you live wherever suits you best. Older houses with larger block in central Melton and Melton South, large farm property just outside Melton, newer houses with smaller block in West Melton and areas such as Brookfield etc. My suggestion would be Kurranjang, Melton West or central.

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Brookfield is fine we'll have been here over 5 years and never had a problem if you don't look for trouble and mind your own business it absolutely ok ... People are friendly here it is walking distance to woodgrove shopping centre and the station has lots of sporting facilities i.e. Football , Netball , cricket , soccer , hockey, tennis , basketball, squash , golf ,swimming , equestrian, speed boating ,rugby,dance , callisthenics, the list goes on ...we are a very young demographic most of the population is under 45 in Melton ....I still go out in Melb because it's close enough to catch an Uber home especially if you split the bill . In summer we go to Geelongs beaches or Melbournes winter Daylesford has some nice pub and restaurants with open fires

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I live in Melton South racist neigbours they pull down my TV entane removed my nbn cables now they are complaining about my cat wich i about to get it put down when they see me come out of my home all run back in I have don nothing to these people if you die there nobody is going to no they damaged my windows I cant even open them properly I wish I never brought my home from there big lesson for me before buying a home check the neigbours they may look quiet but they got so much hate towards you if they get a chance they would drown you in a glass of water

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Hi. I think the stats quoted need to be taken with a grain of salt. The more visitors to the area the higher the crime rate. The CBD has a high crime rate because you get lots of visitors into the city. The same is true of prahran, Richmond etc. which will skew the details. In my humble opinion, all areas can have positive or negative. Walk through an area, visit etc to get a feel for the area you are thinking about. Also check out local schools etc. this should help in determining if you will feel safe and happy.

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Melton has the highest crime rate in melbourne


R you live in Melton. I believe everywhere has bad & good people.


You must be joking, how old are you, you are blowing smoke out your backside... STOP Lying to people with false accusations, where do you derive your statistics? I grew up in Collingwood then moved to Northcote and now in Melton South and I can definitely say Melton looks like a holiday destination in comparison to Collingwood & almost on par with Northcote. But don't take my word for it, here are the stats on an interactive map. To get you started however and as a point of reference, by crime rate per 100,000 people; Hawthorn = 7,271 Northcote = 7,347 Hoppers Crossing = 7,770 Sandringham = 8,216 Melton South / Brookfield / Eynsbury / Exford (yes they are combined, same post code) = 8,130 Epping = 10,346 Melton = 10,811 Frankston = 12,877 Prahran = 14,708 South Melbourne = 20,390 Ardeer = 20,432 Campbellfield = 22,535 Collingwood / Fitzroy = 22,951 Melbourne CBD = 65,440 I don't know about anyone else but Melton South looks pretty good to me. Its people like you, with a name like bayside girl (likely a non melton resident) who give Melton a bad Stigma when its not deserved. The stats speak for themselves, People like you add to the Stigma and smart investors use this to keep Melton under the radar as one of Melbourne best kept Secrets. Dirt Cheap with high rental yield, Not too far from Melbourne, Sunbury, Weribee, Geelong, Ballarat, Hepburn Springs, etc.... The area is one of Melbournes fastest growing areas and has one of the best ratios of population to job ratio. I think people keep giving Melton a bad rep but it truly is a hidden gem that people will likely look back in the future and wonder why they didn't see it becoming a prime position to invest / live, the simple answer will be that they didn't do there homework. The problem with some people is they look at stats such as the Vic Police website crime stats aka My place found here; This only highlights the region as a whole despite you typing in your postcode and expecting it to return results being suburb specific, this is where most people get it wrong. In other words what im saying is, when you type the postcode for melton south, the stats will bring up regiona & devision info and will include Melton South, Melton & include a whole bunch of surrounding suburbs that are included in the division and the stats are then compiled, but even then you will see that the Melton (Brimbank) Region isnt as bad as people think. Melton and surrounds come up as north west metro division 3, there are a total of 4 divisions not including Melbourne CBD (division 1). Division 3 then is identified as Brimbank Region which includes the following Suburbs; Albanvale, Albion, Ardeer, Brooklyn (shared with the City of Hobsons Bay), Cairnlea, Calder Park, Deer Park, Delahey, Derrimut, Hillside (shared with the Shire of Melton), Kealba, Keilor, Keilor Downs, Keilor East (shared with the City of Moonee Valley), Keilor Lodge, Keilor North, Keilor Park, Kings Park, St Albans, Sunshine (see Sunshine Residents and Ratepayers Association), Sunshine North, Sunshine West, Sydenham, Taylors Lakes, Tullamarine (shared with the Cities of Hume & Moreland) The total Crime (per 100,000) for Brimbank (Division 3) of North West Metro Region = 7,881.4 That Said, I will show you how wrong many people are about Melton and its surrounds, but keep in mind most people bring up the stats from Vic Police Website and don't zone in on the suburb itself, but again even as a region you will be very surprised with the findings. Darebin Region which happens to be part of the North West Metro Region but is classed as (division 5) Suburbs in this region = Alphington (Shared with the City of Yarra), Bundoora (Shared with the Cities of Banyule and Whittlesea), Coburg (Shared with the City of Moreland – A few properties, primarily the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, lie within Darebin), Coburg North (Shared with the City of Moreland – A few properties, primarily the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, lie within Darebin), Fairfield (Shared with the City of Yarra), Kingsbury, Macleod (Shared with the City of Banyule), Northcote, Preston, Reservoir, Thornbury. So what is the crime per 100,000 in this division? Darebin crime = 9,696.4 WOW, Thats almost 2,000 more crimes in Darebin. I have lived in Darebin and can tell you I would leave doors unlocked, keys in car, Windows opened. Seriously I felt 100% safe in Northcote. That said individualy Northcote isnt far off in crime per 100,000 than Melton South & I can tell you I feel pretty safe there too. It comes down to this, Trouble Follows Trouble. If you live a Troublesome Life,Id say Trouble will follow you, generally if you dont bother anyone and not an idiot you will generally be OK in any Suburb. I will list some more regions for comparison (now that you got the drift of how the vic police site presents its data please look up the regions for yourself to see the included suburbs) SO we already have; Brimbank Region = 7,881.4 Darebin Region = 9,696.4 Now some others; Moorabin Region = 6,257.0 Westgate Region = 7,859.9 Fawkner Region = 9,459.6 Frankston Region = 10,407.3 Dandenong Region = 10,527.0 Prahran Region = 10,834.0 As you can See, the Brimbank Region doesn't look so bad after all. Stop believing the opinions of unqualified people or people who have had a bad experience in the area, There is Good and Bad Everywhere. Be good and people will generally be good to you. Don't attract trouble into your life and there likely will be little trouble in life. Do your own research and and interpret the data properly, You wont often find people like me who work as an analyst (not in real estate, in IT, but nonetheless I'm a sucker for numbers and percentages) and will make life easy by answering your question (Properly might I Add) I back up my word with references. SO STOP LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW SQUAT AND START RESEARCHING FOR YOURSELF. I really do hope this helps people, nothing worse than making the wrong decision based on false information. At least you have the references to the data and can make a decision for yourselves rather than someone else making it for you. Please do research the links I have provided, they provide valuable insight and disprove the naysayers. Good luck.

Move on to 2016 and Melton South is a fantastic place to live! I will attest to that. Love it here! Most underrated place I have lived in. Though fast forward to 2016, maybe all the crims moved to Bayside! Haha... No valuables there though as your life earnings go on your rent or mortgage interest. Clever kids!

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Reading these comments I'm sure they're not on about Melton mowbray Leicestershire England?

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Im with Mijs. Caroline Springs has become the town to go to that way now. I liked Melton till I found out someone rather ummm nefarious sold up and moved to Melton to do her thing down there. Then others headed that way. Not M Sth or Nth or WST, just Melton proper, so I probably would say Caroline Springs is worth a look

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Dress code : Thongs and socks

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Take my word and move to Eynsebury or Brookfield don't bother going to anywhere else in Melton

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Comparing Box Hill to Melton is like comparing Maroondah Hwy to Whitehorse Rd.

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You can post hundreds of lines on this site, but it doesnt make Melton any good. As a 6th generation Aussie, I wouldnt even board my dog there.
There are only a few good suburbs left in Melbourne and I certainly wont be posting them here in case the riff raff might come running in (not that many of you could afford these lovely places anyway).

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20 years ago no one wanted to go to Brunswick - now you cant even buy a toilet there - Don't ask for old opinions - Just Buy - What is going to be luxury is the travel time to City and the new development and new married people with Kids who are coming in numbers to Melton : Make your move now before it's too late - % years from now prices will double

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Is Roslyn Park Drive in melton west good place?

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Its a great place to live - look at the figures -don't believe what people say - look at the figures and future value.Its a growth area

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I have lived here since 1991. Sure melton has ups and downs but so does other thing I do know is after a tragedy, accident or illness complete strangers band together as a community and help those in need.I am proud to live here and yes it does carry a bad stigma but usually it's the people with teens that have caused trouble here say its shitty!
Good luck!

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Melton west is ok but kurunjang and melton south is out of control

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hey guys, I just want to get something

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It depends where you move to try renting for six month there are areas to avoid like Reese Rd Melton South parts of west Melton and parts of kurunjang...I have never had problems in Brookfield.

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I was exactly in the same dilemma a year ago when I started looking for my first home, I even came across this thread at that time and many others with mixed reviews, in my budget I needed a new house on a big land and it was only Melton fitting into that budget, I started visiting Melton, went around all the suburbs of Melton, kurunjung, harkness, arnold creek then new once in Melton south like cobble bank, weir views, actually all this was one suburb as Melton south and has been recently broken up into smaller suburbs. I went to these areas in night, during the day, weekends and on different days of week on different times to get the feel, bought house in Melton south on bridge road near Atherstone and I must say this area will be hot in coming years, cobblebank station already functioning, opalia shopping center completing in couple of months and all other new estates and amenities coming in, in old Melton Arnold creeks is good place, yes there is a substantial presence of bogan and junkie people but most on the northern side of Melton train station, this area down the Melton south is an amazing place to live in, do not trust those who have never been to Melton before, come and visit the place and get the feel your self, new suburns in Melton south is the place to be..

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Melton areas are changing n improving a lot in many ways. If you're listening to the few old negative n FAILURE people, you will be confused n hesitate n basically reach no where.
Look at the present n for future, be positive.

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By now people should understand the logic of house prices and the logic of the question here - I am sure people must be regretting not buying here. When you want to invest or look at longer term, you need to discount the negative comments.

0 have to be kidding me. Its a dump...

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I just sold and moved out after growing up there since the 70's.
Ain't a patch on what it was during 80's and 90's.

The area I lived in which as the older part of Brookfield was OK with good neighbours and I had no trouble locally apart from a break in back in 2001

However, Ferals, druggies, just general human trash seems to be moving in and I don't know where it is coming from?!?!

Traffic to and from the city is unbearable during peak hour.

Much happier to be away from the place now which is sad given that I used to love the place.

So glad to be where I am now

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Melton South and surrounding area is on a growth spurt - Buy now before it becomes too expensive - already houses prices have gone off the roof - I bought a house in 2014 for $240,000 - now it is valued at $410,000. never listen to pessimist and people who have nothing to offer - Lots of my friends bought houses and all of them are winners now - With rail duplication happening it will rice like a rocket


Lololol!!!! Yeah sure!

I bought my house for $180,000 in 1998, over in the South Eastern Suburbs. Its now worth well over a $1,000,000, & still growing! BIG BIG difference!

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If you think someone is rough, just make yourself rougher -- easy fix.


You can take the girl out of Melton but you can't take the Melton out of the girl

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I can find anything rougher cause I am the roughest.


You can take the girl out of Melton but your can't take the Melton out of the girl

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Yes absolute truth be told its a offence to be a racist but not a offence to steal where is the Australia I grew up in

paul ejai

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want quiet? then go for the older estates! eg.Old kurunjang, coburns rd...
Crime is everywhere, just like their are good and bad, everywhere! choose the neighbourhood and you will be fine! each to their own but i've lived here 21 years and i feel safe walking the streets at night, although if i was to do so in sunshine i wouldn't be so sure! people pull your heads out your asses and lighten up and live a little!
trying to protect your family? try be their with them when they are playing on the streets, like you should be. :)

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Guys i recently visited Melton, i found melton south to be over priced just because it is named as development zone, the development houses are small and overpriced, i drove towards North of Melton ( Toolern vale ) which is 5 minute from melton CBD ,very beautiful and posh houses very clean and bigger land and affordable at present, i guarantee in 1 year down the line, i will not be able to afford any in Toolern, I have asked all my mates to start buying near Toolern vale .
Amazing and beautiful.

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i grew up in a place called merrylands, a place where people have let off shots in front of my place, a guy got shot in the leg a street away from mine, a shoot out happened at a small shopping centre down the road from my place, melton cant be worse than that ?


Drug labs on every corner and shootings all take place in Melton too. Pretty bad if you ask me. Cars constantly getting broken into on my street and strangers trying to enter peoples houses to rob probably for drug money. We have clients who tell us all of the above who have been residents here for years. We moved here 2 yrs ago from Box Hill and so far have had our cars broken into once when parked safely in our driveways and been yelled out and abused on the roads for no apparent reason. Box hill people were much nicer drivers were less crazy and respectful and never hoon like and people never abused me if I looked at their children and smiled. One previous post was right which said if you keep to yourself you will be fine, but why should people fear talking to others and live in fear? seems absurd to me. We will be moving as soon as our house price rises and we can sell and buy something decent in a better suburb. Also the lack of healthy eating options like nice cafes. Melton has at the most 1 or 2 trendier style cafex but here everything is fried and fatty. Doesn't have the well being factor of inner city Melbourne suburbs or the cultural diversity.


Sallya. Sounds about right. That certainly is Melton today.

emily-goumas real estate agent

Hi, I lived there for 5 years and never had a problem. Great neighbourhood, lovely estate, friendly people, shopping centre around the corner, cimenas, transport and freeway close by. Loved it! Thanks


West suburbs? Uve got to be kidding me. Windy suburbs higher crimes than east suburbs LEGO houses

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Rentals in Melton South, VIC 3338