3.9(38 reviews)

Maylands, WA 6051

3.9(38 reviews)

Ranked 176th best suburb by locals in Perth (Greater) Region, WA

Great for

  • Parks and recreation
  • Public transport
  • Resale or rental value
  • Neighbourly spirit
  • Internet access

Not great for

  • Pest-free

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Reviews of Maylands, WA

30th January 2025

"'Minglewood' hidden perfect location"

We have lived in Maylands 'Minglewood' so Dome side and we have had such an amazing experience. We are located in the heart of a quiet suburb but meters from the train station, cafes, restaurants and bars. We are a secret suburb! Lots of apartments and villas but many beautiful old homes too !

We live Maylands

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Looking for a home in Maylands?

"Love this place"

I bought a house in Charles Street a year ago. Maylands has been a joy to live in since moving. There so much choice, with great cafes and bars, whilst also being conveniently located to other great suburbs + CBD. The neighbourhood is very friendly. Great vibes in Maylands

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"The Magic Of Maylands- A Family Friendly Local Community"

We decided to relocate our business from Leederville to Maylands some 11 years ago. We settled into the area with only one local coffee shop which soon became two and many more since including several great eateries and bars. There has also been many developments in the area and in particular improvements to the Maylands train station offering the convenience of lots of parking for commuters and fast and easy access to the city. We have received tremendous support from the local community and in particular we have enjoyed assisting many families with purchasing their homes in the area.

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"Everything you need!!"

I lived on Kelvin Street and although the street is a mishmash of properties and conditions the people were friendly and I felt very safe. I worked in the city and during peak hour it took me 20mins door to door. From Kelvin street I could walk down peninsula road to the river for a run. Great place for families and pets. I agree with previous reviewer that Maylands is a mixed community of predominantly friendly people. The children get to meet kids from all walks of life and get a great lesson in empathy. The river is a great place for canoeing. Still there is so much opportunity for improvement and will be interesting to watch it grow over the next few years!!

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"Maylands Magic"

Maylands for me is a fantastic place for young families, singles or professional couples to experience Perths best. Right on the river, close to the City with access to great schools.
Investors should also look closely at the area, as it has a high attraction rate for tenants and we seem to lease properties very quickly when they become available.
It is without doubt one of Perths finest inner city suburbs to live and an invest.

Rebecca Halton
CEO - LJ Hooker Perth
[email protected]

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"An In-Depth Review"

I bought my house in Maylands 4 years ago, and had been renting in the area on-and-off for 6 years prior to that. The reviews here are as bipolar as the suburb itself, they touch on the good and the bad, the horrendous and the pristine beauty and struggle to reconcile it all together. I will try and break down my observations into in-depth distinct categories - this bizarre place deserves at least that. After all this is the suburb that Lonely Planet rated as being one of the coolest places to live in Australia, and in the same breathe it's a place some of Perth's poorest citizens would refuse to move (or move back) to.

I will start things off with the negatives and end with the positives - the Ugly, the Bad, the Good and the Sublime.

The Ugly

The worst parts of Maylands can be captured in the homelessness, poverty and other social issues that permeate the area. I don't mention the word 'crime', because despite reputation Maylands presently sits in the middle according to current local crime statistics, it's worse than some and a lot better than others. In fact, in terms of inner-city suburbs Maylands is significantly safer than Perth, East Perth, Northbridge, Highgate, Burswood, Rivervale, Belmont and Redcliffe - suburbs that have a similar proximity to the city.

Maylands does experience a significant homelessness issue however, with many people moving from remote and inner city areas to access emergency food, accommodation and medical facilities close-by. Violence and drug-use is rife, however the primary difference between other areas is that the violence is typically intra-familial (amongst themselves) as opposed to targeted externally (against innocent bystanders), this is evidenced by crime stats. With that said, sensible residents would be careful in walking around certain areas at night, such as walking home from the train station past a certain hour.

Much of this homelessness is observed between the train station, 8th ave, the RISE and Coles/IGA Shops. In relation to the RISE, I'm aware of some people disbanding a mixed-netball team after feeling unsafe walking back to their cars after a game - this is an incredible disappointment for an area trying to promote a strong sense of community.

Next to homelessness, the next great issue are the decaying apartment buildings close to Guildford Rd and Central Maylands. Not everyone knows the full story around this however; while some of these buildings are just 'cheap and old' (and attract social issues from charging low-rent) there are also some other buildings that are neither public nor private - they were created by Len Buckeridge through BGC as a means to provide low-cost housing to the poor. Fast-forward to today, these apartments are not maintained and may even be structurally unsound – semi-homeless people move in-and-out and there have been massive issues with drugs and other illegal activities (trafficking, prostitution etc). This is no way to help the poor and needy, and it’s unknown what will happen with these apartments long-term.

The Bad

Coles Maylands and surrounds – I’d really like to include this in the ‘Ugly’ section but that might come across as over-dramatic. It truly is the worst shopping centre I’ve visited, and I’ll drive to Morley/Belmont/Midland just to get away from it.

Why? Firstly, the carpark is possibly the worst designed in human history. I’ve heard car's can't insured around the Arc de Triomphe roundabout in Paris, one day I think they’ll create a similar clause for Coles Maylands. If you can even get in that narrow entrance when someone else is trying to leave, you'll need your remaining luck trying to avoid the cars reversing out every 3 or 4 bays(because every spot in that car park is a blind spot) and finding a safe place to land your wheels. The parking lanes appear closer than normal and every person I know who lives in Maylands has had some sort of incident (ding, prang, minor crash) at some stage.

Then there’s the people – surely every negative personality-type is represented in this food-giving institute. Rushing, hostile faces shoving past you to get the last box of eggs, exasperated staff trying to manage the ever expanding self-service checkout (god forbid any patrons are required to talk to someone), people honking and swearing at each other, there’s a range of beggars and drug-dealers out the front who send a few curses your way if you fail to pony up the dough. I’ve witnessed multiple thefts, fights and a couple of cases of domestic violence all localised in this little grocery love-nest.

Coles are also responsible for the fenced, barren wasteland across the road between Mr. Hawker and KFC. They own it – it’s been sitting there for years and makes the whole area resemble a Harlem trash yard. Why would they sell and create opposition? The fact is though that it looks utterly horrendous and its valuable land not being utilised to support the community.

Speaking of KFC – the eating options in Maylands have always been notoriously limited. This IS getting better with the introduction of more small bars/café’s – but seriously, for such a high-density suburb it’s amazing how few places you can get a meaningful meal. In 2019, a new Fish and Chip opened on the corner of East/Maylands (another crap-tastic looking building from the ‘yesteryears’). The line outside of this place reached all the way to the bus-stop. Imagine that - the low-earning, public transport using public just couldn’t wait for a filling, reasonably priced takeaway meal. This is in contrast to areas such as Victoria Park and Morley that have more restaurants than people. Perhaps this will change over time?

Public Transport – although everything is close (train/buses), some services only run every half an hour to an hour – during peak time the buses are completely packed before they make it to Guildford Rd. For such a high-density area this will certainly need to be addressed at some point.

Mosquito’s – yes they suck, although it depends where you live.

Finally, Maylands is a high-density suburb that seems to get even more high-density with every passing minute. Those old 50’s homes don’t have the same heritage status that Guildford and Mount Lawley attract, it’s pretty common to see another Victorian style house with adjoining chook-farm knocked over for another 8-14 dwelling unit. This wouldn’t be so bad if we were seeing some of the older apartment buildings knocked over and replaced, but unlike other countries Aussie buildings just seem to sit there and rot for all eternity.

The Good

Well that felt cathartic! The ‘Bad’ and the ‘Ugly’ contains thoughts I mutter under my breath and to the bin chickens that rummage through the industrial bins, but now it’s onto the Winners! The first ‘good’ things about Maylands include (in no particular order) – the diversity, the (non-Coles shoppers) people in the community, the school and the proximity.

The proximity – this can’t be denied, anyone who visits Maylands from over east or overseas remarks upon how close the place is to the city. Every person I’ve worked with in the city can’t believe that it only takes 5-10 mins to get home (even in peak hour sometimes), whereas the regular city-joe lands up in front of a hot meal sometime after Married at First Sight finishes up around 9pm. Not only that, Maylands is close to other key areas such as the Swan Valley, Guildford, Victoria Park (Albany Highway), South Perth/Mount Lawley/Leederville. Most people really don’t feel the need to travel miles as everything is catered for close by.

The diversity and the school is an interesting one, I partly chose the area due to my relationship being mixed – and it has been fascinating meeting people from all backgrounds in our parenting groups. Sadly, many young families move away and buy larger homes in the suburbs after their first or second child, but some do stick around – in my parenting group alone we have people from Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Burma, Indonesia, America etc. the list goes on and on. Then there’s the school, my kids are too young but by all reports it is a well-managed independent school with passionate teachers. It’s interesting to think that Maylands once had two MASSIVE primary schools, that dwindled down to one barely populated school, and back to immense numbers (around 800 by all reports) – all over a 40 year period.

My neighbour’s kid has a mix of friends, a couple living in low-cost apartments from developing nations, and a couple living in mansions around the south end of Maylands or those facing the river. Now that’s the diversity I’m after – it’s important for kids to make friends with kids from a range of circumstances, not just a bunch of rich kids in White areas or purely poverty-stricken kids from low socio-economic areas. I hope the same for my own when they attend the local school.

Speaking of these areas, the mix of housing truly is baffling – around Lake Bungana and Lake Brearley exist houses as beautiful as those you’d see situated in the Darling Harbour... and then half a kilometre up the road you’ve got dilapidated apartment buildings. In between this you’ve got a mix of villas, townhouse complexes (old and new) and old homes. There’s character and uniqueness, and certain areas really do feel ‘alive’ – go for a jog at night and see all the people on their balconies and backyards around Tranby house facing the river, sipping on a wine or playing the guitar. No street looks the same, just as every dwelling has a completely different design – some hideous, some beautiful, some predictable and some weird – nonetheless all together it makes for a serious blend.

The Sublime

The section we’ve all been waiting for, I’ve left the glaring omissions till last.

Firstly, I need to comment on the finer aspects of the community- I understand that everyone’s experiences are different but the online community is simply marvellous, people give away free items that really should cost money, and I’ve read about multiple occasions of people helping others with moving heavy items, fixing things, and even minding someone’s child when they had to go to the emergency department. Why does this happen? Many people in Maylands live alone for a variety of reasons – they’ve moved here from somewhere else, they’ve experience a relationship breakdown or loss of job, or perhaps they’re just insular – because of this not everyone has a large support network handy, so the community becomes this network. There’s so many examples of this occurring in this unique suburb. Furthermore, there are ‘working bee’ groups around the peninsula that involve volunteers pruning toxic/invasive weeds and planting natives etc. Some of the public parks and riverfront areas have been transformed by dedicated volunteers from a range of backgrounds. If you have a dog, then there’s multiple dog-meets at various parks where friendships have been formed amongst a range of different people. Moral of the story is – if you’re alone then Maylands is a good place to not be alone if you don’t wish to be anymore.

Secondly, the entertainment precinct. The rebuild the 8th Ave area has undergone is nothing short of amazing – in the space of a couple of years we’ve seen the introduction of many unbelievably unique venues – a live underground music bar, a nostalgic wine venue, an amazing family-friendly brewery, a delicious cake shop and a few café’s that are permanently packed. There’s literally something to meet everyone’s needs. There’s a few existing café’s/restaurants that have been around for a while that have been enhanced by these new businesses – yes there’s still a few rundown places but there’s got to be something for everyone. The only minor negative about 8th ave is continued vacant properties, but this seems to be a theme all over Perth at present.

If addition to this thriving scene are some of the institutes around the peninsula itself – the Pensinsula Tea Gardens/Tranby House, Noggo’s, Maylands Golf Course, Maylands Waterland, the Yacht Club and more. Not to mention the Ballet, WA Youth Jazz Club and the Historical Society. Tranby is the perfect place to sit by the river and have high tea, the golf course put on cheap pub-style meals and (usually) a live band for dancing on Sunday evenings, Maylands Waterland is currently being re-done but will likely entertain small families when completed in late-2021. All these places have sweeping views of the river. The Golf Course is due for a complete refurbishment, and there have been plans to redevelop the iconic Maylands Brickworks into a new entertainment precinct (café/bar/function venu). If the council plays its cards right, Maylands could become a chief drawcard for any new visitors to the city.

Finally, the best thing about Maylands is obviously its pristine, natural beauty. From what I understand, Maylands is one of the only peninsula suburbs in Australia – the suburb is surrounded by the Swan River on 3 sides. The riverfront parks are sensational, Bardon Park is mesmerizingly beautiful and offers a number of playground options for the kids, as is Berringa Park, Maylands Foreshore Reserve and Tranby Reserve. Go for a cycle and see any number of families picnicking along the shore, swimming, fishing, playing sports or on the playgrounds. As an ardent kayaker, I’ve seen the suburb from the perspective of the river and it’s simply spectacular. There’s every type of tree, plant, bird and water bird. Although man-made, Lake Bungana and Lake Brearley are beautiful and retain families of oblong turtles.

The inner parks are wonderful also, De Lacey and Gibbney attract scores of families, sports players (soccer, cricket, roller hockey, basketball etc) and dog groups. If you want to see multiculturalism work, go down to Gibbney Reserve on a Sunday evening and you’ll see it all in perfect harmony – I guarantee you’ll meet someone new every time you go down.


Can you understand the schizophrenic relationship I (and many others) have after reading this review? You may not agree with it all, but I feel I’ve covered a lot of points that sum up Maylands. At times I’m planning my exit from this place, at other times I consider my family the luckiest in the world.

There’s so much this suburb already has, including a vast amount of untapped potential. It also has the potential to completely implode, if something isn’t done about the situation with the apartments, some commercial areas and better ways of supporting the homeless then it could revert back to the horrible reputation it had in the 80’s and 90’s.

Time will tell if this is the place I want my kids to spend the first 18 years (at least) of their lives or if we will need to up and move. Ultimately, it is the people and the community that will keep Maylands afloat or sink it beneath its water-laden boundaries.

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"Wouldn't settle anywhere else"

With my parents, I moved from North Perth to Mount Lawley and finally to Maylands. Counting back the years, it has been about 20 years. I spent my university years there, early work life, did a stint overseas and eventually bought a place and settled in Maylands with my own family. It is the perfect lifestyle for us.
Daily commute: I work 5 days a week in the city and it literary takes me 20-30 mins door to door where I have multiple options depending on weather and schedule, ie train, bus (4 routes!) and cycle. It is so close to the city! Having lived in a very crowded city where I spent at least 2 hours on the road everyday was just not for me and frankly time wasted where I could be doing so much more. Oh and then it got even better with Graham Farmer fwy that connects us to the North, South and East (not quite West).
Schooling: The missus walks the kids to the local primary school MPPS, which is a really good school with teachers who really care. When they get older they will probably go to Mt Lawley SHS, which is also another highly ranked government school.
Lifestyle: During the weekends, we would ride our bicycles to nearby river side Bardon Park and sometimes even to East Perth (along the river) and across the new bridge to Optus stadium. The newly build Rise Rec Centre (old Venville) has a great library for the kids and very reasonably priced gym for local residents. 8th Ave, it is really buzzy during weekend brunch. Coles and IGA have seriously cut down our shopping time.
I understand it is not the best suburb in Perth by far, but for the price it fits the bill. Lower mortgage or debt free makes me happy.
Overall I find ourselves with more time and cashflow to do the things we want to do ... wouldn't settle anywhere else.

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Hey Darren, thanks for sharing. I'm looking to buy on guildford road near the coles, got any thoughts on the spot?

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"Beautiful gem of a suburb close to the parks, water, nature, great schools and CBD"

Maylands is still a little known secret. Within the suburb are several large parks, numerous cycle tracks and river walks. There's good public transport and unique houses on some streets. The suburb is quite safe and family-friendly. The only downside is the lack of good NBN connections but you can get over that by installing fixed wireless. Overall a great suburb to buy in if you're looking for value. 10 minutes drive to airport and CBD.

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"Improvement to make better living"

Its a great suburb with lots of older homes and history as well as blending in Modern Living.
But needs light rail to come up Guildford road to replace bus services that ain't great at all.
Needs the whole shopping area including Coles, IGA, Mcdonalds and KFC to all be redeveloped as it looks like
a bit put here and bit put there look and some of the buildings look run down and had there day.
The Whole area in this section needs higher buildings, underground power, new shopping centres, apartment buildings and
modern path ways with native gardens with seating along foot paths. Including public toilets, Light rail, drinking fountains and lots of bins
to clean up the area so people don't just chuck anything everywhere.
Make it a friendly atmosphere so everyone is welcome of all ages, so people feel at home.
More colour and vibrancy it needs.

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"Improving suburb, still has flaws"

We have lived here in Maylands for the past two years. We’ve loved it mostly, but there seems to be a definite good side/bad side. We live on the north side of Railway Parade and have felt pretty safe here. We’re much closer to Beafort street and the Inglewood Coles (which is very nice!). Once we drive over the train tracks, apart from the nice strip of cafes around 8th Ave, there’s an obvious difference in the atmosphere and the type of people walking around. Although we didn’t realise before moving, I’m grateful we managed to score our place on the north side of the train tracks. Unfortunately, the apartment next to ours is one of the few left unrenovated in our building and it’s attracted some pretty average people to move in, so we’ll be moving on. We did enjoy it while we were here, but do sometimes feel unsafe in some areas. I’m sure in a few years time it will be better, it is coming up nicely!

Also, great dog park a few streets from our place. Shearn Park. Always a hoard of families and dogs there in the evenings. It certainly gives off a very wholesome/family community vibe.

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I can definitely relate to your comments. We recently moved into the area, originally from Victoria. The area overall is fine but the difference between the north and south of the suburb is vey noticeable. We originally wanted to be closer to Beaufort street but took what we could find as the rental market was tough. We are planning to move closer to Beaufort street after the lease, just have to stick it out. Overall its not too dangerous, just somewhat rough.

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"The only way is up!"

I’ve observed Maylands weekly since 1999. Moved into the area in 2007. Now it’s November 2017. Maylands has improved so much and is changing for the better every day. With million dollars homes, 4.5km to the city, lots of parks with free bbq facilities, Maylands Waterland, Tranby House, lakes, Swan River, tennis club, golf club, rowing club, yacht club, boating, canoeing and fishing sites, cafes, restaurants and shops, supermarkets, good schools, sports and recreation centre, library, post office, medical and health facilities, train station and buses. Also with training sites for police at the old Police Academy, you see police drive through the area often daily. My house has never been broken into. Parked my 2 weeks old car at the train station one night until 1130 pm and it was fine. Even family and friends from America, Japan, Vietnam and interstate complimented the area. With such a great location it can only get better. The only way is up for Maylands!

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"Maylands - Pretty Good, but not Perfect"

Such an amazing suburb to be in. It clearly has amazing stores, except there are a few vacant land or leases. It is very safe. We have the police academy in our suburb, so it is very safe. There are many parks especially Clarkson Reserve and Bardon Park. Public transport is an issue, with only one bus coming roughly 1/2-1 hour. We have train services to the city and Midland. Takes 10 minutes to drive to the city. Other buses that stop at Maylands goes to the city, Bayswater, Morley and Bassendean. Excellent place to eat out with wood fired pizza, the usual Maccas and KFC, coffee, cake shops, Thai restaurant.... There is one primary school in Maylands, except the nearest high school is 10-15 minutes drive away, which is an issue. We also have a tennis club, bowling club, rowing club and golf club. Maylands is the home of the very famous WA Ballet and WAYJO. It has a library and sports centre. The ugliest thing is the apartments, although there are many new ones popping up.

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"So close to Perth CBD and gentrifying every day!"

I love that it only takes ten minutes to get to the airport from Maylands, that in less than an hour you can be in the Swan Valley wine region, you're on a direct train route to Fremantle and the beaches in between, that you can easily walk to the Swan river, that there are night markets and plenty of day shopping, great places to eat and people watch over a coffee and the Bayswater Council is friendly, cooperative and interested in the best outcome for its residents.

Great for

  • temporary accommodation options for visitors
  • Great community programmes
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD

Not great for

  • Good recycling program

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  • Trendy & Stylish
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"Maylands like a gumtree bargain!"

Maylands is a suburb is like that bargain you pick up on gumtree it's nothing to look at, mostly reliable with a few flaws you overlook because its half the price of the other suburbs you looked at but werent in your price range (its important to be honest about this) :)

The council tries their best with the area and its inhabitants, facilities such as the Rise on 8th avenue are like a shiny belt buckle holding up a pair of pants with a few holes in the back of them from years of wear and tear. But you as a local know better than to walk around back of the Rise on 8th avenue at late at night because of the persons lurking/sleeping behind from those holes.

The CBD again as the title says is a bargain the cafe strip on eight avenue has ok selection of restaurants/takeaway and coffee shops which are useful to and from work on the way to the train station. (But not a place to impress a first date with)

Coles shops are the only major supermarket carpark has been converted to oneway traffic but its still a pain at peak times and a few beggars plying their trade at or near the entrance. The local IGA isnt anything special and isnt 24/7. No shortage of pharmacies in Maylands so you are covered in that department and the train station is a good enough.

The older housing stock is being balled over to make way for higher density dwellings, which could in time make the suburb streets more crowded as the zoning seems to allow for some large number of 6 to 8 units on blocks that used to contain 1 house (Old Homewest ect).

Those big old 1950s towers dont seem to be in any danger of being knocked down (tho most people who live in the area would like them gone secretly) but in fact some towers have recently been given a coat of paint to brighten them up but still contain some undesirables as residents.

Dog parks are great near the river and the added benefit if you own a dog which is great for the bonus security benefit if of the large bity variety! The mossies are bad no denying it and if you own a older place on stilts you will rage battles with rats if near the river.

The first thing most people say about Maylands is the good location in relation distance to the city for the price you pay which is offset by some flaws mentioned above.

Summing up Maylands is like a Holden commodore you bought on gumtree for a bargain buy the right one, park it in the garage not on the street, take it out on the cafe stip during the day but be home before dark and youll be fine until you save up enough to trade in for an upgrade!

Great for

  • River
  • Close to CBD

Not great for

  • Mozi's are on steriods

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I've lived in Maylands for nearly 8 years and love it.
Its close to the city and the river.
To get the city you have the bus or the Maylands Train station.
The Rise has a great gym.
8th Ave is growing so much with coffee shops and specialty shops, its great to wander around on a Saturday or Sunday.
There is Henry on Eight the new bar/pub opening up soon so looking forward to having somewhere new to go in the evenings.
Maylands is changing and it is for the better.

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD

Not great for

  • The beginning of peninsular road is an eyesore

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"A Great Location close to City."

My 1st Preference for living in WA! This Suburb has got lots of Parks and Reserves as well as Schools and it is located close to the Perth CBD.

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD

Not great for

  • Mozi's are on steriods
  • No good pubs
  • No decent restaurants

Who lives here?

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  • Retirees
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"Bit of everything"

I've lived here for a year now and I love it, some places are a bit dirty and a bit dodge but its super close to everything you need plus golf course and the river. I've got great city views and rent is cheap! Public transport could use some improvement, there are only 2 buses that go through Maylands and they only run once every hour or so which I think is pretty pathetic but the closer to Guildford road the better it gets. I've never had a problem with the people around this area, I've actually made a few neighbourhood friends and the area is super pet friendly! I love walking my dog along the river, and riverside gardens dog park is great, De Lacy Reserve is also amazing for socializing. Mozzies are pretty bad early in the morning and around 6-7pm though. I don't care for bars and pubs so that never really affected me but for someone who does, there is literally a dumpy old tavern and thats it. Falkirk ave / Coles car park is a nightmare, and the people are terrible drivers so avoid if you road rage easily! More cops than civilians.

Great for

  • Friendly People
  • Pet Friendly
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Not great for

  • Inner public transport needs improvement
  • Police are everywhere
  • Mozi's are on steriods
  • No good pubs

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  • Hipsters
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"Inner gem"

Maylands is a suburb that is a little judged. In fact, 7 years ago it was projected to me as a 'rough' suburb, I was warned off going to the train station, it really appeared to be the 'slums' of Perth.
Being originally from inner city Sydney, I enjoy the noise, hustle and bustle and don't really feel bothered to see the odd bit of roughness here and there. Since moving to the area, I've definitely seen some rough people that go to and from the Peninsula pub. However, what I mostly see is young families, a multicultural community, trendy and eclectic crowds of people busily going about their days and on weekends you really see Maylands come alive! The reputable and attractive cafes do not disappoint . Swallow bar takes you back in time, in its heritage decor and lively atmosphere are inviting and exciting.
The changes visible in Maylands are astounding. It's great to see that Mount Lawley's next door neighbour is cleaning up after itself and growing and implementing changes that cater for the demand for culture, families, young and professionals and renovating the beautiful foundations it already has. I think the time to buy here is now, I really believe that once activity zones are completed in Maylands as well chic apartments such as Unison, are built you will see the hidden treasure that is Maylands skyrocket in both price and demand and sceptics will have lost the opportunity to buy for such low prices you see now.
It is only 6km from the city, when you look at sydney suburbs and compare you can really see that as Perth is still not quite there, when it catches up places such as Maylands will be expensive and highly sought out!

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish

Were originally from the east and moved to Mount Lawley, closer to Maylands. The area is ok,


But feels somewhat rough, not terrible though. We have lived in Melbourne and Sydney and its definitely more crime over east. Overall all, the area is fine and needs to

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Close and convenient with a bright outlook"

We've lived in Maylands for the past 2 years and are loving it. The 8th ave cafe strip offers great options to dine in for a weekend brunch and also has some very well priced dine in or take away restaurants. Swallow bar has opened up and has a glowing vibe with beautiful food and beverage selection.
The train station makes for an easy option to get to the CBD or if you want some fresh air you can hop on your bike and ride along the bike track next to the swan river. If you want to head north or south the Graham Farmer freeway is right at your doorstep.
There are a number of upgrades and transformations happening starting off with the 7th and 2nd ave bridges, the peninsula tavern upgrade and a number of chic apartments being constructed around Maylands.
We're really happy to have settled into Maylands and are excited to see what's installed for the future!

Great for

  • Train station
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks
  • Bright outlook
  • Close to Airport

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish

I agree, at the moment it's crane city but that's a very good sign, it shows a strength in growth and potential. It shows that it was misrepresented and it is polishing itself to cement it's place as a fantastic suburb.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Blissful Maylands"

I moved into Maylands about 6 months ago and I'm blown away by all the suburb has to offer. I honestly wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Here is just a few things: (1) transport is amazing as both my partner and I are professionals and work in the CBD (2) love the river and the walking / cycle paths (3) Eighth Ave coffee strip is amazing - it's buzzing on Saturday & Sunday mornings (3) the villa lifestyle - I really like the low maintenance living that is on offer in Maylands (4) the Rise incl the library (5) plenty of other recreation like the gym, and an awesome Pilates studio (6) where can you get all this and be 10 minutes to the city and walk to the river (7) fishing and drinking wine on the jetty..... I could go on and on. I'm so happy to live here.

If you like lifestyle... And convenience then I can't recommend Maylands enough.

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • Tourists
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Young Family Life"

We've been here for one year and love it. Great parks and walking tracks along the Swan. People are friendly and have joined a great mothers group since we had our baby.
Easy access to the city and airport. Great library. Food festival every Saturday night at the Rise.
Not sure about this 'mozi problem' I think I've seen two in a year.
Good prices for this close to the city and river.

Great for

  • Family life
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • LGBT+
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of


Just look how 8th avenue & Whately has changed. New cafes, resturants and a micro bar. The place is on the up. Ploy Thai and the Maylands Golf Coarse both made a recent list of best places to eat out in Perth where the mains were under $20. I can ride my bicycle to work along the river in under 20 minutes and never have to deal with a busy road. The new Rise gym is open and a private gym is on the Penisula. Every train heading out of Perth stops at Maylands, if you move closer in you might have to miss a train because it is express past your stop. All in all a place that is close to the city allowing you to link easily onto the Kwinana Freeway and the Mitchell Freeway via the Graham Farmer tunnel. If you live in North Perth area (Mt Lawley) it's a bit of an act to get onto the freeway so Maylands is very well positioned. The Maylands Yacht club has one of the best views in Perth. Seriously under rated by people who have lived in Perth all their lives there is new money coming in. Perfect for FiFo workers as it is out of the flight path and only 15 minutes to the airport.

Great for

  • Bicycle ride into town on bikepath
  • Easy access to the airport.
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks
  • 4G coverage most carriers

Not great for

  • Mozi's are on steriods

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of


A great place to live. I've been here for 8 years now and it's so accessible to everything. It has a wonderful main street on 8th ave which is constantly evolving with new quality businesses, restaurants bars and apartments. The area has transformed significantly and continues to do so. Love watching it change and improve.

Great for

  • Bars and restaurants
  • Boutiques
  • Public transport
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Getting there"

There is a great selection of cafes and boutiques. The people are generally pretty friendly and helpful. It is a lovely area to live.

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Not great for

  • Mozi's are on steriods
  • No good pubs

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Hipsters
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Realestate oasis"

Just 5 minutes drive to CBD and cafe streets of Mt Lawley, Beaufort street, 8th Ave and 15 mins drive to Swan Valley....An ideal place for everyone especially young professionals who want to avoid the congestions in inner CBD living and enjoy quiet and safe inner suburb life. I live by the river....Absolutely fall in love with its location and the friendly neighborhood. The area is culturally diverse and I think soon it'll become one of the most sought after area for buyers. With the future development by the water front and it's close proximity to Buswood entertainment precinct I think the most appropriate description to this beautiful suburb is a realestate oasis.

PS: like all suburbs there're always pockets of less appealing areas - if you're seriously thinking of settling/renting and have been looking for awhile you'll know where not to find the rotten eggs. - this include the rotten people who tried disputing the credibility of this reputable suburb. :)

Great for

  • Quiet and secure
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Not great for

  • Increasing traffics during peak hours

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • LGBT+
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Great Place"

We have lived in Maylands for thirteen years, It's s great place to live, just a short walk to the river and the park down the road. Easy and central to go in all directions. We live in a nice quiet street and would recommend it to young couples with kids and professionals. Close to airport, good for fly in fly out workers.

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids

Is it safe around the wall st area next to the golf course?


Wall st as in Tranby on Swan near the river?

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"We love it here!"

My husband and I have been here for 2 years and we love it. Unfortunately there are some unpleasant areas in the suburb but we have been lucky to have brought our house in a lovely little pocket of maylands. Being so close to the city, river, lakes, golf course and mount lawley we honestly cannot understand why this area is not more expensive. It seems safe, friendly, new and location is great.

Great for

  • Close to Mount Lawley
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD

Not great for

  • The beginning of peninsular road is an eyesore

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Trendy & Stylish

How about the wall st area near the golf that good?

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of


Not great for

  • Mozi's are on steriods
  • No decent restaurants

Who lives here?

  • Tourists

Just researching this and other suburbs and neighbourhoods and noticed you have made not one but three disparaging comments about the place, and rated it one star for everything. Really? Every single aspect gets one star? Sounds like you aren't actually interested in reviewing the area but have a bone to pick and seem to want to make the place seem awful. It's not helpful, and the forum isn't really a place for you to vent your own frustrations.


Thanks for the feed back as we no longer live the area and have moved to an area which is must nicer, and we just tell it as it is, thats why its a place to allow anybody to say what they wish, we lived in Maylands for many yeras and in a very expensive home which we now rent out.

And we found the area was just getting worse, not matter how hard they try. Come home to a house and find it broken into both cars with paint all over them, then you might get a feeling of lets give a nother chance, but no it happened again this time they where stopped. So time to move on so we have moved in to another home well away from Maylands.

Have a great day


Wow thats a suprise but I think it depends on what area of maylands you live in. I lived in Maylands and loved it. Cheap rent, close to the city, close to mount lawley and great restaurants. Close to the freeway and tonkin hwy. I dont think you can ask for much more

I do know some parys of Maylands are a bit dodge so I would reccomend anyone to ensure they move to the nice part of maylands


Hello, Sylviedoo. Could you tell me which parts of Maylands are nice and which parts are worse? Thanks


You want to stay away from Sherwood Street and Kathleen Ave - and anything that abuts those.


Any other areas to avoid in Maylands....I am looking at a house near mayland peninsula primary and coles......................


The mozzies are indeed on steroids, I love living in Maylands and its amazing if you have a dog!


You have already posted a 1-star rating below - why do you need to post this one too?

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"After renting around here for 6 years, Im buying here!"

I've lived here long enough to see a bit of a change around here. To those saying it hasn't changed I think they're being very cynical, if you open your eyes it's gotten so much better with the influx of young people and better nightlife in neighbouring Mt Lawley. (I read the other negative comments... pretty racist).

The Walcott/Beaufort corner is fantastic and there aren't many places in Perth with the same buzz. I think I'm basically trying to sell Maylands on the fact that it's close to Mt Lawley and the City and that's quite true :) However it's also close to the major arteries such as the Freeway, Graham Farmer, Gt Eastern Hwy and so on. If you need to get somewhere in Perth it makes it easy.

I'm buying here after renting here a long time. As a young person without a family it's got everything I need. I've never felt unsafe here and the residents are no different to anywhere else as long as you're willing to venture out of your own shell. Night life, city access, shopping, eating and vibrancy are all close at hand without having to pay a high price ... yet.

Great for

  • Beaufort/Walcott St Corner
  • Public Transport
  • Not Boring Suburbia
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • LGBT+
  • Students

Wel good luck with buying, the house next to me just got robbed the other day and its over a million dollar home so the area has not changed just more people with nothing to do but live off welfare, and who really cares about the nigt life there is more to living here than the night life but if thats all you have in your life enjoy.
The residents vary to very high income to the low income, Maylands is a very old area and some of the young peole as you put it need to know that, its not party central, once again cant wait to move to a better area and just rent this place out it will never change you can dress it up but its still Maylands


I think comparing it to Claremont, Floreat and City Beach it's likely always going to come up short. Those areas are between 3-5x the price of your median price in Maylands. You're comparing apples to oranges.

Maylands isn't party central, but as I pointed out it's close to the arteries and a lot of people really dig what's going on in Mt Lawley these days.


There are homes here as nearly as expensive to the good areas in Perth but you never get rid of the huge amount of low income people here who have no respect act like fools, ask for money in the streets I am so glad I have moved back to where I lived for years went to school etc I thought I would give Maylands a chance I purchase an expensive home in Maylands, but it makes no difference it will always be Maylands with its horrible flats, and word dig what is that are will still living in the 70 s and alot of people who have lived here for along time dont like the chnage the burn outs in the street the high amount of homes suject to damage due to break ins, enjoy living here sounds like you will fit right in and really DIG it, but some of us dont have to put up with it and can afford to live in another suburb a much better one and I dont think they use the word dig


Just a suggestion : if you are going to try and denigrate people people based on class and turn of phrase, you may want to get your grammar and spelling in order.

As for pricing; I was talking about median pricing not maximal pricing. If an area's median price is 3x that of another it suggests the general affluence of the people there to obviously be higher. The fact that you can buy an expensive home in Maylands is just another sad indictment of the lack of merit based pay in society and specifically WA. Maybe you came into the money through family though which would probably make your bigotry understandable.

The rest of your response doesn't really warrant reply.


A bigotry way of thinking just love it and we dont care


I'm reasearching potential places to go to in and around Perth and I must say IITTALIA you sound like an insufferable, pretentious snob.


Yes we are,we both come from money and dont give a stuff what people like you think who sound like they come from the working class background, god knows why we built a home on the river, with the land costing just under a million dollars and then the home on top of that.

But now we live in an area where its safe and the people in the area actually work.

And frankly we dont care what the lower end of the scale think, we dont have too and never will, nor will our children.

But enjoy Maylands sounds like you will fit in very well


IITTALA - you honestly are making me second guess my move to Perth at all; you are not the kind of person that people new to an area want to meet. From the look of your last comment, you're quite aware that you're an arrogant snob, so why bother leaving a comment for the common person to read in the first place? Surely we are all well below you.


I hope to be able to get an objective opinion of the place as it is now. Not based on the extreme experience of anyone. Can anyone help? Maylands sounds really close to the city and with some promise of an interesting suburbia. One question - IITTALA makes Mayland sound very creepy and filled with walking zombies. Is it really true? Or is it not? I'd appreciate some good input and help. I'm new.


Lol someone pleeeeease school IITTALIA in the correct use of commas, I'm out of breath reading their hilarious "middle class white" response. P.S I DIG Maylands, baby!


I grew up in maylands & left in my teens, i can say one thing, Maylands has improved a hell of alot in all areas, ive just moved back to the area and love it, im actually living in the same street i grew up in..
Maylands has come a long way since i was growing up, id recommend this suburb to anyone, close to everything, trains, shops & the city to name a few, very central & the people are helpful & friendly..

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Not a gem, that I know"

ITS A DUMP cant wait to move might be close to it all but there are much better suburs to live in should not of wasted my money buying here as for 8 th Avenue its horrible dirty and not safe even to park your car, this is a suburb with no class and will never change, just drive around and see the side show and lock the doors on the car.

Not great for

  • Mozi's are on steriods
  • No decent restaurants
  • No good pubs
  • New Pub: swallow opening soon!

Who lives here?

  • Hipsters

I love how you put Con: No Pubs and another Con was that a new pub is opening soon? Haha mate are you a bit special?

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Maylands - a hidden gem"

Just minutes from the city Maylands is an absolute buyer's delight! It's a suburb on the move with plenty of access to transport and the new development of the 8th avenue cafes makes it a funky place to live for young couples or young families.

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River
  • Close to CBD
  • Walking tracks

Not great for

  • New Pub: swallow opening soon!

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Crowded and dirty"

Maylands is only 5KM to CBD which makes it the first choice to move in for many new migrants, but that lies the problem since those people come from different background and do not treat this area as their own home. Crowed and dirty, noisy and unsafe. I do not like living here.

We rent our apartment in central Maylands, and most of our neighours rent theirs as well. There are groups of apartments or units in Maylands which makes this suburb crowded and dirty. Tenanta move in while some move out, too many new faces to regonize and it is tricky to form a good community spirit. I do not think it a good suburb to purchase your houses here, and if you like ,just rent and move in. When you are tired of the atmosphere here, you can terminate you lease and simply move out.

While it is a suitable place for people who want to work in the CBD coz public transportation is handy here, but it is not good to raise a family here.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles

I agree with so much they come her to live and just do what they want drive like they own the roads and think its funny, I have lived here for along time and over the years its just getting worse I will be renting my place out and moving back to more suitable area, and to raise a family well I would take my children down 8 th Avenue to see fights drug users and drunks, I have had my car broken into twice, so as I said it just gets worse they build big expensive homes here but its just window dressing, you can buy in much better places and feel safe, why would I spend over a million to live here when I can go back to where I went school etc in Floreat, City Beach

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Great up and coming suburb, so close to city and bus sling Mt Lawley cafe strip!"

We love living in Maylands!

There are great walking and cycling tracks. it is close to some great schools, the CBD, airport & pubs and clubs!

As a 24 year old I'm glad I have bought in maylands as I think capital growth is going to be good and it is nice living so close to everything and there are still some affordable gems out there.

Great for

  • Walking tracks
  • Close to CBD
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River

Not great for

  • No decent restaurants
  • No good pubs

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Tourists
  • LGBT+
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Good river access and close to the city but bring the mozi spray"

Good park access, very close drive to the city or airport.
Public transport is limited if you live away from the train station.
The main problem I had in Maylands was the mozi's.
They must be some superbreed that can bypass all the traps or anti-mozi stuff I put out.
And they left me with the biggest bite marks I have ever seen :(
That being said I was living right next to the river, they may not be so bad further back.
My adsl connectionwas good in Maylands around 10MB out of a possible 22MB - but this will depend on you distance to the exchange.
Also as a warning to anyone that is looking to buy in the area, avoid the bayswater side of maylands, this is still a very low socio-economic region.

Great for

  • Cafe's and Lifestyle
  • Parks
  • River

Not great for

  • Mozi's are on steriods

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Students
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"A riverside precinct, close to the amenities and city"

Maylands is a beautiful suburb with great access to parks, the river and a golf course and a cycle path that winds through it. It is only 7km from the city and access is very easy by bike, car, train and bus.There are very good cafe's and it is close to major shops and larger shopping areas such as Morley. Maylands has good access to the freeway and Tonkin Highway. There are re-developments happening on the main street. It is a great place to bring up a family or for couples. It is also very close to the Mt lawley strip for nightlife and cafe's.

Great for

  • Parks
  • River
  • Cafe's and Lifestyle

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • LGBT+
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Maylands has it all"

Maylands is an enviable place to live, with fantastic public transport ( Train and Bus ). The parks and river shore are well maintained, clean and lots of space for relaxing and recreational activities.
It's proximity to the City, Airport, are an added advantage. There is a sense of belonging and walking down Eigth Avenue with its historic buildings is a delight. Maylands to me is in the top 10 suburbs in Perth and is ideal for families, singles, retired people alike. Nobody will feel out of place here.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Inner City Hidden Paradise"

We have lived down near the river in Maylands for 6 years. We still can't believe how beautiful it is and can't understand why the area is underrated. We have the river on three sides with beautifully maintained open areas, walk and cycleways to the city and beyond, a closeness to nightlife and casual dining spots, and a bus service that gets you into the city within minutes. We can walk to the golf course, ride a bike to South Perth and have coffee, kayak up the river and barbecue late afternoons when other are still fighting peak hour. Tranby house for teas and snacks, kids water park...the list goes on. This is the way inner city living should be.

There is no doubt that there are some units and old houses that need to go, or are in desperate need of overhaul, but what suburb doesn't have these? New developments are happening and these will replace those "what were they thinking when they designed those" type units.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Old Suburb, new residents..."

Interestingly Maylands is one of the those old suburbs which suffers from a bad reputation that has stuck but isn't strickly true these days. This reputation is born from the being a low socio ecnomic area with high flats and cheap housing of yesteryear. Things have definitly changed with the type of resident now a large mixture of Professionals, Families and retirees.

Having lived here with good friends for over three years I find the changes now and prospectively as the surrounding suburbs - Mt Lawley, Inglewood and Bayswater move with Maylands this area will be one of the highly sought after areas to live in Perth if it isn't already. Please bear in mind this isn't the golden triangle but with Beaufort street so close and the City only 8 minutes by car with all lights green, it is has all the ingredients of a good formula.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

Best rated streets in Maylands

Unranked streets in Maylands

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