Toowoomba City, QLD 4350
Ranked 18th best suburb by locals in Darling Downs Region, QLD
Great for
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Not great for
- Parking
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- Country Lovers
Reviews of Toowoomba City, QLD
"New Wave"
Toowoomba has lots of money. its just a pretty town cause it has lots of trees and the cold weather makes you wear your good clothes . it double lane throughfares and grid layout make travel easy. Toowoombas forfathers did it all themselfs without any help from the goverment and voted against the goverment of labor for near70 years straight last century, so that is where the saying comes from 'toowoomba is conservative' its not actually concervative at all it embraces change and does try to be progressive. Toowoombas rich history of doing it all its self has resulted in very solid industy.
Toowoomba is booming.
Many buyers are looking at regional areas like Crows Nest 4355.
davef7 Sadly that is the experience of many.
Maybe one day Toowoomba will get a real train that goes to and from Brisbane every day, wouldn't that be a novelty. Catch either one of 2 buses that run at the same times 4 or 5 times a day but miss the last bus out of Brisbane at 5.30pm yer stuck there for the night. Lets get out of the 20th century. Oh and so many rednecks....
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
We followed ''the yellow brick road" in search of a better life, and arrived in Toowoomba over ten years ago. We discovered an emerging city with a beautiful highland climate and a quaint, country club vibe. Liberal-minded people here often laugh out loud at the conservative attitudes that still persist in certain sectors of the community. But I'm glad to say that a different generation of younger people are leading a social and cultural shift away from the old, provincial mindset.
In more recent years we've seen some positive changes such as: the growing food scene - new expresso coffee bars, vegan restaurants and farmers' markets. Young hipsters, artisans and other creatives taking local culture to the next level with cool street art, craft fairs and contemporary art galleries. The urban catchment of Toowoomba has expanded with new housing estates and suburbs, along with major infrastructure developments like the Toowoomba International Airport and the Mountain Pass Motorway - which is currently under construction.
Toowoomba is Queensland's largest inland city close to the state capital, yet there is no commuter train service for people who commute to work in Brisbane. A regular, high-speed passenger train connection to Brisbane would further boost population growth and the economic prosperity of the whole region. City officials need to make high speed rail a high priority, then negotiate with state and federal governments to make it happen. In spite of some public transport issues like this, "the garden city" is still a popular choice with first home buyers and others who are looking for an alternative to the unaffordable housing market in Brisbane.
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- Families with kids
"Love Toowoomba"
I don't live in Toowoomba but frequent this city often for work and also with my kids on weekends. There is so much to do and see and with so many events there really is something for everyone in Toowoomba.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
"Terrible place"
Moved here 2 years ago, people are unfriendly, and its not for the lack of trying. Examples include greeting people as you walk past them ie with your dog, not 1 single person greets back. People are rude. I see people beeping horns at eachother over stupid things. Its crime capital. Weather is rubbbish and there is nothing to do for families. We spend out money supporting surrounding Cities as atleast there are lower cost family friendly things to do.
So true. I meet the occasional nice person, but the vibe here in general is not friendly or chilled. Maybe Australia in general these days is becoming a less friendly, more rushed place. Sorry to hear you've had these experiences in Toowoomba as well. I hope
I hope you meet some nice people. Or somehow this place becomes more friendly....
Agree. Moved here 15 years ago. Unfriendly and clicky. There is no "whole of community", functions as a collective of groups. Was told by a journalist a number of years ago that you are expected to belong to a group and stay in it, if you venture out of your group, people quickly let you know where you belong. Unfortunately haven't been able to move away.
"Laidback Toowoomba"
The Garden City is a laid back leafy sub-tropical delight - It's cool winters & comfortable summers transition to a burst of incredible colour throughout late autumn & spring with an abundance of glorious flower powered colour - the locals are friendly - the beer cold - the food - straight from the paddock is great - & the passion rising - Land & house prices still very reasonable & a great tree change option for young families & those seeking a rural / country blend to enjoy whilst enjoying easy access to Brisbane only an east hour & half drive away - largest inland rural City in Aus - growing fast - get here for visit or permanent stay
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
Toowoomba laidback? Can I have some of what you're smoking? Must be very powerful stuff.
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"Needs a chill pill"
I’ve been in Toowoomba for about 5 years now having lived in a number of other states/cities and I’m still surprised by how busy it is.
Traffic is intense in daylight hours, everyone seems in a rush and there’s so much hostility on the road. I’m not sure where everyone is racing to…shopping centres? Since there isn’t much here besides roads & shops.
It’s certainly gotten busier since I’ve been here. It used to be that the weekends were more chilled out on the road, but I’ve noticed that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.
This is certainly not the relaxed Queensland vibe you may have heard about in years gone by. This is not the country. Hostile suburbia is the term that springs to my mind.
I know that many locals like the expansion of Grand Central shopping centre, but I think it’s really killed the vibe of the town. Walk a street back from Grandie and everything is dead, empty shops, closed down cafes.
Making connections in this town is almost impossible. People aren’t very friendly and don’t really talk to each other (maybe a sign of the times in general).
I just don’t get any sense of community in this town whatsoever. Just a bunch of individuals in cars hurrying to some sort of shopping centre or fast food restaurant.
I don’t hate Toowoomba, I’m happy to live somewhere outside the major cities, but am puzzled why it isn’t a little more friendly and chilled out. There’s a lot of bogans here, alot of old people, and a lot of tradies, all of them in a rush and not very friendly. ‘Get out of my way’ is the vibe.
If you’re moving here with your own family unit, this place may suit you since there are lots of supermarkets, schools, medical facilities and rent is cheaper than the capital cities.
However, if you are hoping to make connections, find something beyond a mundane suburban existence, or live somewhere chilled out, this is definitely not the place for you!
Well described and well said.
"An odd town that produces even odder, hence wonderful, people!"
Far enough from Brisbane to have evolved it's own "culture", Toowoomba is an odd place within an already strange state. ,. Nationwide, It is often easy to tell if someone is from "Woombie" due to the uniqness this town imparts into its residents!!
The perfect, nice gardens of the 'Carnival of Flowers' entrants contrasts ironically with the groups of disillusioned teenagers hanging about on skateboards and bmx bikes, wisxhing that there was something to do... anything to break up the boredom and (in summer) perhaps even escape the heat.
I've never actually lived there but feel like I have, having heard so many stories about the place from friends that spent their formative years in Toowoomba.
They were the smart ones... they got out as soon as they were old enough! None of them came from the houses with the nice, competition ready, gardens though!
Who lives here?
- Singles
"Horrible overcrowded tiny town"
I would not recommend Toowoomba to anyone not for a holiday not to live I doubt I'd even want to just pass through the place. They boast how they're size rivals even Townsville yet not building over three stories overcrowded rds jammed pack with poorly controlled traffic signals and even worse driver knowledge of how to obey Rd rules and follow a roundabout, and if your thinking of shopping forget it the city has the worst range of shopping centres and availability of even your most common items is rare. School zones are a joke expect at least an hour or two just to drop off.
"You guys need to relax a little =/"
First some qualifiers:
Having lived in more rural centres than most and also a few capitals (Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Townsville, Toowoomba, Moura, Biloela, Singleton, Newcastle, Dalby, Ballarat, Launceston and, probably, a few that I forgot to mention), I think it's fair to say that Toowoomba is no different to any other regional centre in Australia of comparable size.
Anybody saying that crime here is off the charts, or is profoundly worse than any other town of comparable size in this country, is either exaggerating the issue or has been a victim at some stage. If you are one of the latter, then I apologise, but you're likely experiencing a touch of confirmation bias. Like most country towns in Australia, Toowoomba has seen a dramatic upswing in illicit drug consumption and all of the knock on effects associated with it. Still, some of the worst suburbs from my childhood (Wilsonton, Rockville and Harlaxton - especially Harlaxton) seem better now than when I first left sixteen years ago. Walking down the street at night is no more daunting than anywhere else - put down your phones, pay attention, use an ounce of intuition and you'll be fine.
As for as people being cold and distant, racist or it being difficult to make friends here. It's no different than anywhere else, which is to say that everybody has their head buried in their mobiles, staring at <ironically, insert social media platform of your choice here> and is too busy discovering how to be thicc like Kim K. to pay attention to what's going on around them. I do somewhat agree with people saying that there's not a lot going on here too, which does further compound the issue by limiting the opportunities to meet new people. Realistically though, the vast majority of people make friends through work these days - as long as you're working, and aren't a complete social hand grenade, you'll be fine. If you live here and you think it's bad, you should try Newcastle, Ballarat or some of the... less affluent suburbs in Melbourne (for reference: I lived on the border of West Footscray and Sunshine for a year).
The weather is decent, maybe even great, and unless you're some kind of born and bred northerner, or spent most of your life living under a sheet of tin on the equator, the winter is nowhere near as brutal as Canberra or Melbourne (bonus points for not raining in winter) and the summer is child's play when compared with Townsville.
Racism... I'm not really sure how to address this one. Seeing as though I am a cis-gender, straight, white male - everybody's favourite blend at the moment - I'm clearly a billionaire, own ten houses and hate everything that isn't white. That being said, the community really seems to have diversified since I left (especially the suburbs surrounding the uni) and the small proportion of the population that was referred to in some previous posts as disliking the Sudanese community has probably all died of old age. If you're reading this in 2020, are some kind of minority and you're struggling to make friends, the Polynesian princess (she's not actually royalty, but you would think she was the queen of Samoa) that I'm engaged to and I would be glad to make new friends with stories that centre around something other than getting "maggot" at the local pub.
Elitism and classism is no worse than anywhere else. Opportunities for people who dwell more on the fringes of society to meet like minded individuals are going to be just as limited as anywhere else out side of capitals as well, but I doubt that you would be run out of town by crosswaving biblebashers armed with pitchforks for being a little different.
The university seems just as incompetent as any other university in this country (I'm currently completing post-graduate study at USQ).
Rental and housing prices are extortionate in the more sought after suburbs. Probably no worse than Townsville and better than Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne in terms of bang for your buck.
If you're moving from a capital, you'll probably appreciate not having to spend four hours commuting to and from work every day and, coming from a motorcyclist, the drivers are no less inattentive and dangerous than anywhere else (noticing a theme yet?).
Whoever it was that was complaining about there being quite a few roundabouts was correct. They're great and I love them - there's nothing worse than unnecessary traffic lights on every corner of a town.
I can't really comment on the schools, as I don't have any children of my own. If you have the money to buy your kids a leg up in life, there are dozens upon dozens of reasonably priced private schools dotted all over the town (Toowoomba serves as a hub for farmers out West to send their kids to bording school). If public schooling is more your speed, then Harristown State High School (despite it's reputation for being a little rough) churns out plenty of high achievers, is very well resourced and ranks among the best schools in Queensland for academic achievement.
I'm running out of steam at this point...
As for rough neighbourhoods. If you were to look at a map of Toowoomba, the suburbs East of Ruthven Street and South of Bridge Street tend to be decent to look at, if not a little passed their use by date. Everywhere else is littered with good and bad pockets. That being said, most of the public housing was sold in '90s and the riff-raff moved on, so a lot of the poorer suburbs are, for better or for worse, beginning to be gentrified - most notably Harlaxton.
One big negative that was accurately called out (this is entirely subjective though and may not bother some people at all) is the total lack of night life. The pubs and clubs are a shadow of their former selves and the CBD is practically dead, even on a Friday or Saturday night - my guess is that the kids all head to Brisbane to get cross-eyed and have a good time. For the most part, the cafes and restaurants are also fairly bland and not worth the time or money spent going to them. If you like to wear skinny jeans, flannelette shirts, drink soy lattes and expect to find cafe's that play music nobody has ever heard of and are also full of cats (looking at you Melbourne), you're also going to be sorely disappointed. That being said, for gigs, festivals and other big acts, heading down to Brisbane is a mostly painless, ninety-odd minute journey and could even be considered a point in Toowoomba's favour. All-in-all, I would say that even Townsville has better local pubs, clubs and restaurants, but this is easily rectified by a short trip to Brisbane and back.
As far as I'm concerned, the biggest negative for Toowoomba is that there's not a lot of jobs available, so I would probably advise against moving here if you don't already have work lined up or possess highly transferable skills that are always in demand, regardless of location. One caveat to this is aged care or disability services. If you have the qualifications required, and don't mind the pitiful wages, then you'll struggle to not find work in this field in Toowoomba
Very long story short: Toowoomba is just another large, Australian, rural centre. If you can't live without being packed into trains like cattle, hipster cafes and barbers, soy lattes on every corner, 24 hour K-Mart and spending a quarter of your life commuting, then move to Melbourne or Sydney. If your daily routine consists of work, followed by another mind-numbing session of MKR after dinner before heading to bed at 9PM, then Toowoomba may very well be the place for you.
For those looking for a recommendation for a place to live that didn't really have anywhere specific in mind, my vote would actually go to Canberra. It's big enough to have just about anything you will need, without being too big. It's not a huge amount of effort to head to Sydney or Melbourne to get your metro fix. The cafes and restaurants are (or were in 2010) top notch. Housing can be a little on the expensive side, but there are reasonably priced places around, provided you don't have a burning desire to live in the middle of the CBD. Winter can be brutal, but, for those who don't mind the cold, it's not anywhere near unbearabl and, finally, for those of you who can't bear to live within the same post code as a **gasp** conservative, it's a bastion of progressivism.
To any who made it this far, I wish you all the best in finding your own little utopia - even you unwashed liberals - and sincerely hope that this wall of text may prove useful to somebody along the way.
<3 Dan
Since you took the time...and I loved reading your writing. I had to sign up and create and account just to tell you how much I appreciate it. Made my night.
Thanks Dan, very comprehensive information. It was very helpful too.
This is a fabulous, thoughtful and entertaining review! thanks for going to the trouble. I really appreciate these reviews - it is a big decision to re-locate.
Best review I've read on here, for any town!
Lived here in and off for 45 years and really appreciate the time and thought that went into this well balanced review. Nice job!
very well written review, are you still in Toowoomba dang?
I found this very reassuring
I also lived in London and other parts of the UK - agree with everything you say. It is not just the under 30s who feel isolated and alone, there are very many older people feeling isolated and alone too.
Hi, I know everybody has there own opinion but you really didnt acknowledge the benefits. Toowoomba is a small but stable community. We have a range of community centres and lots of beautiful gardens. We are traditionally very welcoming people and there are many different races, as well. Toowoomba hosts many carnivals,festivals,concerts. We are a well maintained city with a range of shops, Grand Central has many options for food and clothing. We also have amazing schools and retirement homes. You couldnt forget our theartres and museums. I am not saying that your statement is incorrect but you could reconsider. I hope you settle in well, I hope you see what Toowoomba is really like.
Agreed Alexander. It's horrible and very isolating. People are different here. I hate it and want to move away. Ive been here a year now and that's long enough to have had the joy and life sucked out of me!! You have to have grown up here to be able to handle it and the people even admit it.
So sorry Kittys1 that you have had the same negative experience as many. "..had the joy and life sucked out of me" is how many people feel. Having lived in a number of different places, as well as doing voluntary work in Toowoomba, I have seen just how isolating Toowoomba can be. My advice is do move if you can because it only gets worse. But do your research before you move. I hope you have some support.
We've been here for over three years and have made NO friends. People are superficially friendly, but do not want to form new friendships with new arrivals.
Elvissya It makes me really sad every time I read posts like this ... so many people have the same experience. Toowoomba functions as a collective of groups, and as a local journalist told me, people are expected to stay in their groups. There is no provision for 'whole of community' participation. There are some small neighbourhood centres but what Toowoomba desperately needs is a community centre that can cater for a city of its size, that would facilitate everyone being able to participate, socialise, feel part of the community and that they belong. It is now even worse for people that are excluded and/or isolated because of covid-19.
Well I have an admission to make I have written reviews about Toowoomba and loved it when we arrived about 4 years ago to retire. Now ? Totally hate the place. What was a beautiful city with old style Queensland homes on large blocks are being chopped up and units squashed into the large back gardens. High rise are appearing everywhere. The hospital leaves a great deal to be desired. Medical wards have 6 beds with MIXED gender and MIXED ages and only 1 tiny shower/toilet combination. Totally inappropriate . ( wont go into further details) thought we would be OK 25 minuets out of town but no, our here in a rural area blocks are being chopped up into small blocks full of small houses. Work is hard to find, traffic a nightmare, with everyone hell bent on pushing in front of you. Like others we have tried and tried to make friends but people are to busy to be bothered. There is nothing to do, nothing seriously except walk around gardens. The main streets are full of "for lease" signs, just a horrible feeling about the place. We have seen the value of our property plummet so now we are totally stuck here with no way out. Hate it.
I moved here a year ago from Far North Queensland and Im counting the days for when my lease runs out so I can leave. Havent made one single friend. The people I have encountered are just downright rude. Ive also never been more abused by other drivers in all my life. The traffic attitude is unreal... so much rage here. I lock the doors in my car now because who knows what people will do here. Ive even been spat on while at the local supermarket...
Lease runs out in January... not long now.
janemar31 So sorry - as I said above, it makes me sad when I read comments like this. But that is Toowoomba for you. Clicky groups, and yes in places too many rude and feral people, as well as high rates of DV and animal cruelty. So many people get stuck here - lucky you are able to leave.
I agree, hard to make friends, people think they are special. They don't want to be your friends but they are definitely interested in your personal business. I have no interest in having friends like them. Gossips galore here.
"cliquey snobby small town mentality in a big town"
Plenty of uptight people living here; plenty of crime as well. If you have a mental illness or a disability, it is almost impossible to fit in or be included.
Very hard to get employment as it is who you know and not what you know.
The winters are freezing. The drivers are appallingly rude, aggressive and careless.
I have been here 19 years and wish I had never left Sydney. The only reason I have stayed here is to be close to my children. Otherwise I would be long gone.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
Agree with what you say. Not even a community centre and the couple of small neighbourhood centres can't cope with the needs of the community. With all affordable community space taken away from voluntary community groups, there are very many vulnerable people, like people with a mental illness or disability, excluded from community. Very sad that no-one in a position to make change cares enough to do so.
I know a stuck up lady that moved there about five years ago and still living there now that explained why, ... she in the right plac3e with all other stuck up, clickie, snobbish people haha
Yep. I feel really isolated and I wish I never moved here. It's like people who come from and live in toowoomba have tall poppy syndrome or something. If you're not from Toowoomba, they can't wait to tear you down. I hate it.
"The good and the bad"
Have lived in in Toowoomba all my life. Toowoomba has alot of schools but keep in mind you get what you pay for. Toowoomba has plenty of parks that are generally in good condition, especially the main ones eg. Queens Park and Newtown Park. The rest of the parks in the suburbs lack appeal.
Toowoomba is a big sporting town and has good cricket, netball, hockey,soccer, union and league fields. It has only 1 public swimming pool for the entire city where its cleanliness is questionable.
The house prices are way overpriced to rent or buy and good luck finding a decent price for either less than 20-30 minutes from the outskirts of town. If you live in the neighbouring towns and work in the city centre, expect a 40 minute drive as well as the rates continuing to rise.
Speaking of driving, the roads are chok a block most times as the planning hasnt been the best for growth and are constantly playing catch up which then requires road works which puts further pressure on the traffic congestion.
Emergency services appear to be under staffed especially police and ambos and you better have private health or expect a long frustrating wait at the Base Hospital.
The drug and property crime in Toowoomba is out of control in Toowoomba and if you forget to lock your car, expect it to be ransacked or stolen when you wake up the next day.
It is close to Brisbane and the Gold Coast which is a plus and a few hour commute and you can be out west in the country.
In all, to live in Toowoomba you have to be earning a pretty good living to afford to rent or buy in a decent neighbourhood where you are least likely to be targeted from criminals (but not immune), and if you have an everyday joe blow job, expect to have non desirables in close proximity living next door and walking around at all hours of the night.
Depending which area you live in, its good for families, but you would need a well established career earning a decent salary to have a nice family home in a good area.
There are around 150 parks in Toowoomba. A lot of suburban parks and playgrounds but at least 10 major parks.
"What you make of it."
I wasn't born here, I am from a non English speaking background, I'm no WASP, I guess I'm a lefty politically speaking, I have lived in WA, SA, VIC and various places in QLD.
I wanted to start with that so people get a sense of where I come from. i have lived here for 22 years.
I have owned 3 houses in Rangeville and I found that people there were unfriendly and racist I guess because I was younger than them and I owned a house next door which they couldn't get their head around. Mainly retirees, elderly conservative folk. Still trying to sell one house in rangeville.
Owned 2 houses in Newtown, 5 minute walk to Irish club, still living in one, over 100 years old, always found people on this side of town far more progressive.
I have had no dramas with making friends here, I feel like I know the whole town which is good and bad.
People are people here, just like everywhere else,some good some bad, I just get on with my life.
Cafe life has got better here, my wife and I enjoy it. We enjoyed First Coat heaps, Food festival at Carnival, tours of the city and cemetery etc.
Great parks, great place for schooling, our kids went to a private school here.
The town and it's people have been good to us.
Now, some not so positive. There is elements of racism here, bigotry and elitism, same as any other place.
Being different is difficult, especially for younger people.
It's who you know here. I have never worked for a local employer, terms aren't too great.
Not too much changes here, you can change Grand Central but you can't change attitudes.
Overall, a good place although my time here is nearly up as I want to retire to a smaller place.
Great for
- They value people who have a go
- When chips are down, like the flood, community rallies
- Really good people here in places
- Beautiful parks
- Climate
- Good shopping and some great schools
- Everything you need
Not great for
- Not friendly in places
- Retail employees can be rude
- Old school tie connection
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Country Lovers
Apologies if this is rude to ask but what race are you? Do you know if they would be rude to an Asian person? I am considering moving there myself but I have had issues with racism here in Australia in the past in rural towns.
I live here and when buying my first home and moving here I found racism prevalent in the North suburbs, even the realtor had a thing or two to say about races. It was mostly directed at aboriginals rather than immigrants, I was concerned as my partner is asian/islander, but on Newtown side so far no one has been rude and there are a LOT of different races milling about my local shopping scene. It feels very relaxed in my area and a bit more... youthful? My workplace in the same area hires tons of asian visa holders among others. Compared to my last rural living place Toowoomba feels a lot more progressive, but there are the old and the young sides of towns where you might get casual racism still... just pick your area carefully, but otherwise I can't say Toowoomba is a terrible choice for asian descent people in particular, it's been quite a friendly atmosphere.
Watch out as the place is full of rednecks. Still back in the 1970's. Still cant get a train to Brisvegas, what a bunch of drop kicks.
"The Inland Empire Strikes Back"
After living in other Australian cities and travelling widely overseas, I would say that Toowoomba is a small, clean and green city, with a world-class climate and some very nice residential neighbourhoods. Tourists, visitors, and even some locals don't realise that Toowoomba (unlike the rest of Queensland) is lucky enough to have a temperate climate - which means that you need to dress according to the changing seasons with the appropriate coats, sweaters, jeans and jackets, to maintain comfort in the Winter months. That said, the sun shines all year round and by international standards the seasons are mild and short. The style of any city tends to represent the people living in it: so with that in mind, Toowoomba is a proud and progressive city that is determined to shake off the hillbilly shackles and fully embrace the postmodern era. Given the smaller population of this city, the basic infrastructure and cultural opportunities here are no comparison to much larger cities like Brisbane, which is only a 90 minute drive east on the Warrego Highway. This is still a car-based community and at present time there is no real public transport system - so going forward this city will eventually need a fast and reliable commuter train service to Brisbane. Toowoomba is a growing multicultural city which continues to attract residents and business with new amenities like the Grand Central shopping mall, city library, and a new airport. Toowoomba and the surrounding regions offer a range of options for people who seek an alternative way of life that is close to all amenities, but far enough away from the harsh reality of life in big cities.
Great for
- Rustic charm
- Beautiful sunsets
- Climate
- Good shopping and some great schools
- Clean and green
- Beautiful parks
Not great for
- Too many roundabouts
- No regular commuter train service to Brisbane
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Country Lovers
- Trendy & Stylish
"Unless you're a christian or play sport there are better places to live."
I've lived in Toowoomba for almost two years now. Previously I've lived in the Blue Mts (NSW), Sydney, Brissy for a few years, Sunshine coast, Alice Springs, Overseas.
Toowoomba could be the most boring place I have ever lived.
Let me be clear, it's not all bad.
Everything is quite central. There are lots of supermarkets, a small little uni that is more like a Tafe, lots of doctors/pathology places etc. Heaps of churches and lots of fields where people play sport, if that's your thing.
You can do most things you need without having to travel for a long time. So in some ways life is easier than living in a capital city/regional area. Honestly, that's probably the best thing about Toowoomba.
Housing is cheap relative to the capital cities. But the place is being subdivided into units, and it seems that there aren't many houses left with any character (I know this is happening across Australia).
Traffic is absolutely intense in peak hours. Surprisingly so for a regional city.
The weather is something of a mixed bag. Winters are chilly, summers are hot. There is almost always a breeze blowing.
Queens park is lovely, and probably the nicest spot here.
Sadly, the place is very conservative. I didn't realize how much, or I probably never would have come here. People are generally very straight, and there is absolutely zero culture (don't let anyone fool you, there is absolutely nothing).
Perhaps the worst thing is that people aren't very friendly. Its not that they are rude, but they simply aren't interested in conversation beyond a trivial natter about the weather or sport. It seems to me that most people here already have their social networks and simply aren't interested in meeting new people.
Don't expect to come here and meet worldly people or folk who can engage in any kind of intellectual conversation.
Interestingly, the few people I have made friends with are also from other places (interstate/overseas). They've also expressed how difficult it has been to make friends in Toowoomba. So it seems I'm not alone in my sentiments.
It really seems that people here are fulfilled by going to church a couple of times a week, playing sport and shopping feverishly in the local shopping centres.
I have never got any sense of community at all during my time here. The city itself generally lacks life. There are often alot of cars on the main street, but not many people or energy. There is no vibe, no spark and the place feels stagnant.
There is zip, nada, nothing for someone a little outside the norm to do. Very little in the way of culture, music, entertainment.
If this place had a bit more culture, it might be kinda cool. But it has the enduring remnants of a 1950's Australia mentality that it doesn't seem to want to shake off.
Thankfully, there is a bit of ethnic diversity here, especially around the uni. So hopefully Toowoomba will grow and change in future years.
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
- Retirees
Hum interesting comment re Religion as the Buddhist are about to build a major training centre. Must be all the peace and quite up here on the range. Mind you toowoomba might just be about to be shaken from its roots with the Wagner family pushing to build a casino. Gee cant wait for that (not)
Agree with all you said. Have lived here for almost 14 years after living in other parts of Victoria as well as overseas.
My family and I have been in Toowoomba for 6 months from Auckland NZ. I think you have nailed it in your review. I lol with your summation of the locals only being interested in small talk as they already have their own network. My partner was lucky enough to be a Russian speaker so they all net work on facebook and meet up so shes made lots of friends.
Positives are its a pretty city, easy to get around, nice shopping mall. Some lovely homes at reasonable prices.
"Minority groups not welcome"
Overall, if you are a white straight single or couple, especially with children you will likely see it easy to find a place within Toowoomba. Toowoomba people otherwise don't like minority groups as a generalisation with especially high racism and homophobia compared with more modern cities.
Great for
- Beautiful parks
- Climate
Not great for
- Ignorant people
- Not friendly
- No culture or shopping
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
- Country Lovers
"A big country town full of gossip."
Toowoomba is a good place to visit for a day trip from Brisbane. Everyone I grew up with left town and most made good lives for themselves. The bogan elements tend to stay.
On the good side, you can cycle and walk around most of the town with ease. It is quite pretty and peaceful. Kids would enjoy it but might need to be home schooled. Toowoomba could improve if more industrious people moved here to profit from the obvious gaps in entertainment and employment.
You could not survive this town without regular trips to the coast or country towns for relief from the boredom. Low self esteem and paranoia is a common personal trait - it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Gossip is a big part of the culture. Marijuana and drug use also explains a lot of the town's stagnation.
Great for
- Easy to get around.
- Beautiful parks
Not great for
- Should be called Sleepy Hollow
- Gossip.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Tourists
"Toowoomba.... hmmm is it the town for you?"
Yeah mate the vault goes hard (if you know what i mean) plenty to see and do. Once saw Shane Webcke at the movies. Mother memeorial is the place for them pokemon.
Great for
- Beautiful parks
- Hot in summer freezing in winter
- Climate
- Everything you need
- Good shopping and some great schools
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Country Lovers
- Trendy & Stylish
- Beach Lovers
I dont want to sound rude but is it a lazy town with obese people or a sporty active one? (I live in bundy where no one tries at anything]
very true
"A small city stuck in a country town mentality"
Moved from Victoria hoping for a positive change. People are very conservative and as much as they seem to want to progress, there are a large number of conservative, hypocritical, married with 2.2 older kids kind of people who like the way Toowoomba has always been. Being late 20s-early 30s makes it harder. People are clicky and some friendly but it is difficult to make actual friends unless you play competitive sport, go to church or drink a lot- people are not as warm. It generally lacks culture and life.
Great for
- Sporting clubs
- Beautiful parks
- Hot in summer freezing in winter
Not great for
- Restaurants and dining
- Not friendly
- No culture or shopping
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Country Lovers
Despite having a high youth population, plenty of schools and a university, Toowoomba is a relatively inactive and dull place lacking in anything valuable or meaningful for anyone in the age 5-55 age bracket.
The majority of things to do here are only tailored to specific groups and demographics, and not to people in general.
Fortunately, most of the population does consist of these groups and demographics, but for anyone who doesn't quite fit into the mold, you'll be bored stiff.
Firstly, I will get the (very few) positives out of the way:
General: Positives:
- Fairly beautiful and decent parks.
- Downtown looks quite nice in some areas.
- Has all the necessities.
- Frequent town events.
Specific: Positives:
- There is more churches than schools, an indication of just how conservative this place is. So if you're Christian or Catholic and nothing else, this is religion-central.
- It's a nice little place good for retirees.
- There's plenty of family-friendly parks and events. However, most of the kid's events are things no child older than 5 would enjoy.
- Some of the schools are average/decent.
- For a pub-goer, there's quite a few downtown.
- Good for farmers, gardeners.
- Cobb and Co. Museum for history fanatics.
Now, for the cons.
- There is no religious diversity, and certain groups such as the Sudanese have recieved a lot of discrimination here.
- Bad Traffic.
- Noise pollution, as a main highway runs straight through town, and we're at a halfway point from the darling downs region to Brisbane, meaning we get all the big loud riggers and trucks passing through here, and sports car speeders. Lots of loud factories even on the outskirts. There isn't too many quieter, peaceful neighborhoods, except maybe Glenvale.
- Most of the yearly-events suck. Most are for children no older than 5. The carnival of flowers is nice, but the sideshow isn't in recent years. Easterfest has been discontinued. Everything else appeals to the religious, gardeners, farmers, or the faint-hearted who don't enjoy surprises or anything out-of-the-norm to what they've been experiencing in toowoomba for the last 3 decades they've lived there and like peaceful little picnic events.
- There is no culture, art, museums, etc. The Cobb and Co. Museum is dusty and consists of nothing more than 17th century horse carts and carriages. The Theatre almost never has anything interesting on, except for the lucky regional touring act. There's some nifty little street art.
- Music? Haha. The only music is pop rock and indie rock played at the bars, or classic '70s rock/country.
- There is no nightlife, save for one seedy nightclub.
- Not good for meeting new people, as there's not many singles.
- The school's are quite bad. Wilsonton State School is heavy in bullying and other issues.
- There is a high crime rate, but the media covers it up to make this place look more 'family-friendly', even though some of the parks have broken beer bottles and syringes.
- We have some very bad neighborhoods, such as Rockville and Wilsonton.
- There's no decent swimming pools. Very poorly maintained and unhygienic.
- The weather is awful.
- Housing is over-priced.
- Brisbane is too far, and the only way down is the range, an accident-prone area. The highway from Toowoomba to Brisbane is riddled with poor drivers, roadworks, poor weather conditions.
- Toowoomba's drivers are awful.
- Most people are unfriendly, rude and will give you death glares just for walking to the shop with friends/family. It's heightened my social anxiety disorder to the point I cannot leave the house alone for fear of being targeted.
- It's dangerous for women, children, and even myself, a young man of decent health/fitness.
- The mail/postal is slow. I've gotten letters dated three weeks ago. Urgent ones.
- Police are corrupt.
- Hospital is understaffed, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. are mostly incompetent.
- Sexist, racist, homophobic, but worst of all, HYPOCRITICAL. Acts like this conservative, peaceful, family-friendly little town when fact of the matter is, it is very wicked and decrepit. There was an uproar when the strip club opened - "How dare they ruin the family-friendly values of this wonderful little town" lol as if it wasn't already pretty sinister here enough.
So, if you're a 40 year old gardener, farmer, conservative christian with a wife and two kids, who enjoys a small place with nothing new or interesting to offer but a nice little content place that won't surprise your sensitive little heart with big or dramatic changes (except for the one strip club, which made a public uproar even though, because of our high crime and youth rate, its not like we're as traditional as we appear anyway - toowoomba also a very hypocritical place), and enjoy nice little picnics at a park despite the noisy traffic, gospel/religious-catered events completely family-friendly and appropriate, and can overlook/don't care about all the negatives - you have found your new home.
Toowoomba is a city high in young population, but with the traditionalists in power. Liberals or just someone with a slightly more artistic or progressive mindset in general best avoid this hellhole like the plague.
Great for
- Beautiful parks
- Hot in summer freezing in winter
- Everything you need
Not great for
- Dull, sterile, boring and lifeless.
- Not friendly
- Not many singles!
- No culture or shopping
- Distance from Brisbane
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
- Retirees
So how would a 24 year old single mother of a 6 year old go in a place like Toowoomba, in your opinion James? I have been contemplating the move from Brisbane but I'm unsure now!
Unless you are religious Kate, I would not even considerate it. Not a friendly, welcoming or inclusive community.
You feel unsafe walking to the shops in Toowoomba? LOL that's pretty funny!!! I think you should toughen up before ever leaving Toowoomba because if you don't feel safe there you won't feel safe anywhere lol
mem5 You might be surprised to discover that Toowoomba tops the list of the states criminal postcodes - with the highest number of prison inmates coming from Toowoomba - maybe not as safe as you think.
Mem5 and MatH6 ... you seem to have been over-ruled!!
Toowoomba has both corrupt cops AND high crime rate!!
"A gateway to exploring the west and freshening the mind."
I lived in Toowoomba for a couple of years and miss living there. I only moved because of my career. Toowoomba is a large country town about 150 km west of Brisbane that services the Darling Downs and many of the town further west. For that reason, services are good. On average it is cooler than Brisbane with winter temperatures at night comparable to Tasmania but can be blazingly hot in summer. The first time I pulled into town in the summer of 2012, it was so hot that the bitumen melted onto my tyres.
There is a vibrant at culture. There is a sandstone art gallery and a couple of more contemporary ones on the main street. The art culture I was involved in had a strong nature and environmentally oriented bent. The artists met there are more the hermit type that come together for gallery openings. They range in age from 20's to 80's.
I'm very amazed to read so many negative reviews about this town. I've lived in Sydney, Tasmania and Ipswich but I'd rather live in Toowoomba. Yes there are bogans. Yes there are juvenile delinquents loitering around Grand Central but what do you expect? That's a major mall and that is what happens everywhere in places like that. The same with conservatives and large numbers of untrained dogs that bark all night. One can find those everywhere. There is a lot of traffic and semi trailers going down that "goat track" called The Range but I assure you that it's better than some New Zealand mountain passes I've driven. Talking to the locals it was much more dangerous in the 80's. There has been talk of making a bypass but that would destroy a lot of bushland so I hope it doesn't happen. Beyond the CBD the traffic noise is minimal.
I think that some people also have some unrealistic expectations of what Toowoomba should be. I've seen people complain on here about the lack of shopping options, the restaurants closing early and poor public transport. Toowoomba is like many larger country towns that describe their business centre as the "CBD" or "city" meaning it isn't comparable to a capital city. One has to adopt a certain way of living in such places. Don't live near the CBD because that is where wayward people hang out. Collect your food at the local Sunday market and cook your own or grow your own vegetables. Engage in local events and learn how to appreciate the natural environment around you. There are many local extinct volcanos to explore in this area. Crows Nest Falls is also only a short drive away. Having a car is essential. One must do something sophisticated. It's called "entertaining yourself."
If you want the excitement of a intense shopping experience, a night out clubbing or shops and restaurants open Brisbane is just down the road. Why would we want every single place in Australia to be like a capital city? For me Toowoomba was a place relax and centre myself. It's a place to refreshen the mind.
Great for
- Peace and quiet
- Relaxed lifestyle
- Hub of creative people
- Beautiful parks
- Hot in summer freezing in winter
- Climate
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Students
- Country Lovers
"It's a mixed bag"
I've lived off and on in Toowoomba for 15 years and honestly I'm not a huge fan. Someone once told me if you lived here your whole life you think it's the greatest place on earth but if you leave for a bit or come from somewhere else you won't think it's so great and I tend to agree (although I guess it all depends where you are coming from).
That said it has recently started to come along in leaps and bounds with a trampoline park, inflatable world, sushi train, gelato and a whole other bunch of stuff to eat or do. It has plenty of schools, relatively low crime, plenty of childcare and affordable housing. On paper it looks great but it lacks "the vibe" you can get at other towns or cities, the nightlife is pretty ordinary and it can be pretty stressful living.
Also the weather is the worst I've come across. Summer is muggy and gross, winter bitterly cold and the rest of the year seems to be one extreme or another. Also I would say it's not a "friendly" place. That doesn't mean it's unfriendly but it's not a happy smiley place either
In summary if you are moving from Mt Isa, Alice Springs, Katherine or Halls Creek you will probably find it a step in the right direction. On the other hand if you are moving in from darwin, cairns, coastal towns etc you will probably be disappointed. It all comes down to where you are moving in from;)
Great for
- Beautiful parks
- Everything you need
- Hot in summer freezing in winter
Not great for
- Not many singles!
- No culture or shopping
- Not friendly
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
So why are you still in Toowoomba ? We have lived all over Qld, NSW, and Vic and have chosen Toowoomba as the place we have come back to, to retire. We have family who live on the Gold Coast ( for reasons I wont go into but they are not able to move at this point in time) and they including to primary aged children who cant wait to come up for a weekend away from the rat race. With the new 500 million expansion of Grand Central shopping center that should fix any lack of shopping facilites, ( though I admit Ruthven Street is in desperate need of a face lift) once the new Grand Centeral opens maybe things will change. I am hoping that once the new Well Camp business park opens we will see many of the more trade like business moving out to well camp and being replaced by retail stores and coffee shops. The railway park lands maybe the start of this change. We actually love the weather, yes you get the odd day with humidity but nothing like it is on the coast, You have the beautiful Autumn trees and can sit round an open fire in your home at night. The weather is in fact similar to Melbourn except you dont get such long winters and than goodness non of the 40c plus days, and Melbourne is set to over take Sydney for growth so there must be people who actually like the change in seasons. As you say there are now things for children to do starting to appear, the parks are just beautiful especially the japanees gardens. As for night life well that is another reason we chose Toowoomba, you dont see the fights and drunks filling the city streets at night, but if that is what you miss it is not that far to drive to Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Bottom line, Toowoomba and major cities are different and we have a choice as to where we live. For us the peace and quite, beats the crazyness of the cities any day,
The worst drivers in Queensland...using indicators and obeying stop signs is optional! Not a great place to walk around after dark as the drunks are out in force. The people seem to think that Toowoomba is a vibrant and world class city but it is just really a town which has not matured much in mentality beyond the 1950's.
Yes, I've encountered some crazy driving antics there but it's a breeze compared to Sydney and Tasmania was worse. They realised that indicators existed when the Millennium rolled around.
Tess good for you, you have had a perfect experience with Toowoomba! This however, does NOT negate the relevance of someone else's experience. In fact your comment is irrelevant in context of someone else's review.
"Get in Quick"
Despite the down turn in Real Estate Prices in so many cities and towns around Australia this does not seem to be the case in Toowoomba and towns within 10 to 20 minuets of Toowoomba. Having no end of alerts set on realestate we started to notice "new" listings would appear with "under contract" already on them. we were lucky to pick up a property over the weekend but our agent told us that in many cases property under $400,000 often has several people trying to out bid each other. With the Toowoomba Airport now confirming direct flights to Sydney will soon start competition will only increase (something to do with fly in fly out miners) With great schools and medical facilities and cooler summers than other parts of Qld this is a great place to move to.
Great for
- Beautiful parks
- Climate
- Good shopping and some great schools
- Everything you need
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Country Lovers
- Trendy & Stylish
I think this review is written by a realestate agent or someone wanting to sell their home. Of course the houses in a low price range are selling they are so much cheaper then other cities. Of course there are great things about twmba. Good schools and cooler weather sometimes and medical facilities but seriously there is not much employment or things to do. It is becoming a giant retirement village. Most young people leave when they get to university or working age. By the way Agents will tell you anything don't you know that by now.
Well imc53, NO we are NOT real estate agents in fact we dont even live in qld. We have spent many many hours watching market trends as we simply cant afford to live in the major cities any more nor do we wish to be crammed into high rise towers like a sardine, which is a growing trend in capital cities, and forced to send our children to deralict schools. We wanted a clean preferably green safe place to live, and after many trips to really have a good look around several country towns across Qld, Vic and NSW Toowoomba always came in at the top of our list. We have now bought in Toowoomba and yes we did have to fight for the house as it was a good price, and are looking forward to moving especially as it would seem the high life living youth is leaving, making it an even better place to raise children who we hope will grow up to enjoy and respect all the country has to offer.
Well here we are finally in Toowooomba and LOVE IT, finally the kids can run free in beautiful parks, Yes it is raining but at least things are green and not dried out brown and a fire risk. For all those that knock this lovely city we have two friends who live in London UK both medical doctors and guess where they have now decided to move to ?? Yes Toowoomba. We also have a friend on the Gold Coast a GP and yep they also are sick of the crime rate, and entire life style down there so where are they going Toowoomba. Wonder how many are aware that toowoomba was voted the 3rd best place in the whole of Australia to raise children .
My wife and I are considering our first investment property I am NOT a real estate agent but keen to get some local insight as we live in the Central West of NSW
Hi all we are just going to start our life in toowoomba, we are moving from uk, but having read all this comments make me worries about the friendliness of people there, is it really that difficult to get along with people there and whatabout employment?? I am working in hospital here in Uk. Please share your thoughts and suggestions tnx
Hi joya3 we are hoping to start are new life in Toowoomba very soon, moving front Ireland and like you the reviews have left me a bit worried. Can I ask if you have made the move yet and if so how do you find it thanks in advance. PC
Joya3, moving anywhere you dont know is always a bit of a concern. Where ever you live is a very personal thing what you like someone else may not. If you want to work I am sure you will find work especially if you have medical training. Look at it like this , move here, rent a place , give it 6 months if it is not for you well you have a base to work from to find a place you like. We love it and have had no issues. Heaps of state and private schools, good shopping, house prices are resonable. If you want a bit of space rather than a city home look out at Highfields or Drayton you can pick up a house on 1/2 acre no issue. Brisbane is only 2 hours drive and the Gold Coast 2 and 1/2 hours, Sunshine coast about the same distance.
Hi Tess the comments on crime and the dangers of walking alone also about how unfriendly the people or which surprised me as we have been to perth and Brisbane on holiday and found the opposite. It's a huge step moving to another country so you have lots of doubts about everything and the little things become massive in your head. With regards to area we have no concerns with schools as our daughter is an adult now. We are looking for a nice quietish area close to nice restaurants and bars and not to far to travel to work in the public hospital thanks.
Patricec, Ok now I undestand. I have found people very friendly and helpful, I dont go out much at night, I admit, so dont see any of this crime people have commented on, and dont hear much of it either, but you have issues where every you live you just stay away from those areas. Where I see your issue is that Aus is very different from the UK / Ireland. We dont have those little villages with the village pub, then 10 minuets drive to a major city for all the night life. Toowoomba has lots of lovely areas to live, for example Highfields 15 minuets drive from the city where the hospitals are, beautiful country feel. The down side from your perspective is going to be, a quite area with bars and clubs. There are pubs in the city but Toowoomba is definately not known for its night life, or resturants for that matter. There are resturants but not heaps of 5 star places. If you want night life you need to look at Brisbane or the Gold Coast but then you wont get the nice quite life. I think that is pretty typical of Aus in general, Busy life close to night life you live close to the city, or quite life and drive to the night life. I can tell you Brisbane and the Gold Coast have far more crime and fights in the streets than you will ever see in Toowoomba. Cost of living is another thing to consider, as I said your best bet if you have been offered a job in Toowoomba is to look at Toowoomba as a short term stay until you find a place that suits what you are looking for.
Tess that's great thank you. I think you might have misunderstood me asking about bars restaurants, I was thinking a nice meal and a few glasses of wine my husband and I are well and truly past the night club stage.
Well Highfields is 7km from the Meringandan Pub rated 3rd best place to eat in the area, you will find it on Google. Easy drive to town, reasonable cost of houseing , there is a small shopping center, medical centre all you need and 10 minuets into Toowoomba. Toowoomba has fantastic PCYC markets on Sunday, lots of local farmers selling produce. Queens Park is full of familes and great coffee shop opposite. Admit I love it but accept others hate it.
I lived in Toowoomba for 3 years in the '80's to study leaving to continue in the UK. My socialising was based on literature and classical music so enjoyed the intellectual aspect very much. Having lived back in Brisbane for20 years I love to get out of what is now a fairly jammed up large city with traffic problems, very expensive real estate and dependency on computer for enquiries as its time consuming to get somewhere and ask a question. People do not say hello when you are at the bus stop or pass on the street even in the quieter suburbs. I very much enjoy visiting Toowoomba as it has retained a percentage of colonial past and values. The streets are lined with trees and it seems to be keeping abreast of societal developments as well as any other smaller city. We find excellent food and wines there. I love it and feel at peace there. There's nothing wrong with strong church community. That's a good thing. Hard to meld in if that does not have a place in one's own life I imagine.
Joya3 - Seriously!!! Have a look at the Sunshine coast hinterland! It has the elevation and hence cooler weather Toowoomba has , but it also has little villages that DO have a town pub with great food etc!
Look at the Malany, Mt Mee, and Montville areas! Truly beautiful, in some places you can be surrounded by green fields with a view that stretches all the way out over the ocean to Moreton Island!
"My experiences as a local"
I have lived in Toowoomba for 8 years now and I'm very happy to call Toowoomba my home.
The traffic is generally kept at a minimum – there have been rumours of the traffic being terrible – but take Brisbane traffic for example, there are still as many idiots on the road, swerving into the wrong lane and parking at inappropriate places.
My partner and I have considered moving elsewhere at some point in our lives. After a holiday in Brisbane - I am pleased to say that I can't wait to get home to Toowoomba. I believe Toowoomba has the best of both worlds; we are a vast growing city with a small 20 minute drive to the beautiful country side, Preston peak wineries, Bunya Mountains, bed and breakfast getaways and surrounding country horse races. In the future I am looking to move to the outskirts of Toowoomba, as places like Highfeilds are also vastly growing, and the land/ scenic country land is wonderful – yet 5 minutes from the city! Currently I am living 5 minutes from the CBD in the Darling Heights area.
There are so many community offerings, established facilities, professional businesses, state and rural agriculture opportunities – all available from living in Toowoomba. I enjoy being so close to many recognised award winning restaurants, beautiful scenic lookouts at night time, gorgeous established gardens and parks (We are the garden city), antique stores and quiet cafes to have a squiz at on my time off with my family, friends and partner.
After attending two popular secondary state schools of Toowoomba, Harristown State High school and Toowoomba State High school Mt Lofty Campus, I am pleased to say that both schools offered diverse and engaging curriculums;
Both of the schools have a population of children in the 1500’s – this is large enough to have many different programs running – but it is small enough to have individual attention from the teachers during a class.
Harristown State High school is well known for their great sporting achievements and programs with Soccer, Basketball and Netball being a handful of their best, allowing opportunities for students to travel to Melbourne and Overseas. Rock Esteadford and dancing subjects are another top program that students enjoy to be apart of – again there are limitless opportunities for students after school that the dancing programs offer. So if your child is very sporty, athletic and fit, then Harristown School is a great reason to move to Toowoomba.
However, in saying that, I found to have preferred Toowoomba State High school as a school of my preference. I myself wasn’t a very sporty child – I would have much rather an English competition and a one-on-one academic experience. Toowoomba State High School dedicates their teaching to a more academic level, majoring in sciences, literature and music. I did in-fact graduate from Toowoomba State High School and found my secondary schooling experience to be remarkable – leading to many long life friendships and open doors after I had finished school.
The University of Southern Queensland was one of those open doors I had taken once I had graduated. I had studied a Bachelor of Nursing Degree for one year after I had finished school. I had loved every bit of my university experience! From when I first started – I was frightened out of my knee sockets – it was such a huge step I was taking into the real world. However, the university had partnered me with my very own student relationship officer who had answered all of my ‘first timers’ questions that I found to be a little less daunting and a big help. Because the university is built on a massive allotment – it was hard to navigate myself around all of the buildings, but there was always somebody willing to come up to me with a helping hand and offer their service. Toowoomba is a very cultural place and you will find at the university that half of the diverse cultures are all there! In saying that - it was a great experience and the people you find working with and speaking to are just wonderful.
Here I am now though; at QLD HOT PROPERTY one of Toowoomba’s substantial growing Real Estate Agencies. I had decided that nursing wasn’t the option for me and that Real Estate is to be the career path I wish to progress in. I have learnt so much more about the community, and learnt to appreciate more of what Toowoomba has to offer. I am pleased with how quiet, lovely and suitable Toowoomba is for my family, partner, his family and myself. I wouldn’t want to live any where else for the time being.
Great for
- Beautiful Parks
- Cafes
- Look Outs
- Good shopping and some great schools
Not great for
- Too many bad rumours
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Students
- Country Lovers
i want you to help me move from the usa to toowoomba for work on a construction project.
@danmirisola..the only construction project you'll get in toowoomba is putting security bars on windows.
hi Christina, may i have your email address? thanks so much
Hai..I am Lenin and I am from India.
I got an admission for my PhD study in University of Southern Queensland with scholarship. After all these reviews I am little bit worried to bring my family along with me.
Can you please help me with the info about accommodation and schooling for my kid.
How friendly Towoomba is to do part time jobs to support my family expenses.
The weather here is awful. In winter it is windy and freezing cold. In summer, it is either cold and raining, or really hot. Its rarely a nice temperature. Lets not forget the fog, which is very thick. Oh and it always rains at 3pm school days. We went from 10 years of drought so bad we considered recycled water (the natives were far to uncomfortable with that idea so it got tossed), to so much rain that... well I think everyone knows about that. My plants died from too much water.
The schools here are great. There is a uni, which I personally do not feel is all that great. I've lived in several houses in Toowoomba, and only got to know 1 neighbour well. Meeting new people is hard. There are plenty of dodgy neighbourhoods and schools with bad reps. Most streets contain at least one drug dealer, one house that throws regular parties, and one dog that wont shut up, EVER.
There is only one public pool, so if you enjoy squeezing in the pool with a whole bunch of other unwashed bodies on the weekend, is a great place to go. That's if you can find a carpark.
Downtown areas suffer from a major cockroach problem, the western half of Toowoomba has a bad fly problem in summer, the eastern half has a bad spider problem. Never walk between trees and bushes at night as you will probably end up with a massive spider on your face.
The community is mostly religious. There are lots of great parks around, but without toilets handy. Carnival of flowers is only exciting if your a child or like gardening. There is Easterfest, which is only exciting if your religious and like rock music. The Christmas lights in queens park is always nice and worth seeing.
In my opinion, jobs are difficult to get. Rental properties are in high demand so it is difficult to get a decent property with a landlord who actually maintains the property properly as well as a decent property management team. Also the mould is bad on the east side of Toowoomba. East is the better side however, with better neighbourhoods, better schools, and nicer parks and plenty of trees.
Also a lot of people don't know how to drive. A local lollypop lady told me she almost gets run over on average 3 times per day. On wet days, its not unusual to see people sliding around corners, or driving without lights on. So buckle up!
On the issue of Toowoomba coming together after the floods, they may have done this for a few days after the flood, but in general the community is no closer. A year after the event it seems to be mostly forgotten with no real attention paid to it. I did hear many complaints about the memorial that was held, evidently it was very badly done.
Great for
- Christmas lights
- Beautiful parks
- Good shopping and some great schools
Not great for
- Horrible weather
- Not friendly
Who lives here?
- Retirees
Never a truer word was spoken SwampMum.
I was travelling the speed limit outside a school and got overtaken by a driver in a hurry. Lights! I was always taught by the locals not to turn the lights on in the fog because they reflect and blind you, (as if you can see through the fog anyway) but as much as you try to reason with them that they need lights to be visible to others,they persistently hold on to their foggy logic. P- culiar.
If it is so bad why are you still living there. Moove.......
"Rental Real Estate Agents In Toowomba"
Am moving to Toowoomba in the next few months for work with my children and two small outside dogs...I have quite a good career with excellent renumeration..I can tell you now..I would fire or retrain ALOT of the people in rental Real estate mangement that I have come across so far tryingto find a good solid family home in Toowoomba. My view is eventurally to purhcase my own place in Toowomba and little do most of these obnoxious upstarts know that they are slowly but surely ticking themsleves off my list of people to Buy through when I am ready to Purchase. Gecko is first..arrogant..A young lass at LJ Hooker left a particularly bad taste in My mouth..Ray White Herries street was quite polite altho not at all prompt..the Team at Harcourts were a hoot and altho I may not be renting through them I will be approaching them to look at houses. Darling Downs Realty was really down to earth and nice folk. I ask Real Estate agents to keep in mind..even Renters can turn into always pays to treat everyone with respect and be helpfull..Return calls and dont speak to me like I am a annoying pce of dog poop you managed to pick up on your shoe..I am actually caretaking your clients assets and paying for the Privilege..maybe if you treat more people with respect ..then more repect will be paid back to you..
Great for
- Good shopping and some great schools
- Very pretty in Spring
- Beautiful parks
- Climate
- Hot in summer freezing in winter
- Everything you need
Not great for
- Can be clicky..but that is typical of the culture of RURal Queensland
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Students
- Country Lovers
WELL SAID ! We are a mobile population and it is time agents realized that. We sell then rent while we look to buy.
We have a 7kg dog, that sleeps on our bed thus goes to the groomers at $60 a time every 6 weeks, and would rather walk aroung with his legs crossed that do anything inside the house. The agent selling our place did not even know we had a dog till he found him asleep on the bed, BUT as soon as you mention the word DOG, to rental agents, it is assumed you are from a VERY lower socio economic back ground and your dog is a wolf hound that is going to destroy the garden and eat the inside walls. Agents see the bond as an early "Christmas present" and always find something like a 2 cm mark that will cost your full $2000 bond to fix !
Like you my O/H is on a 6 figure income, and we will rent while we look for our next home. SO, property managers dont judge all applicants as one you may have had an issue with and lefts face it if YOU do your job properly that is regular checks at least in the early months you will see we dont all want to move in and destroy your clients property in fact many of us will leave it in a far better state than we found it .
0h boy I so enjoyed reading your comments, to say stating and saying it as it is would be understating. I have always had a beautiful home and every single house we have sold has been described by real estate agents as the best presented home they have ever had the privilege to list, and always been like it even with unexpected requests for viewing. Its how my home is always kept as its how I like to live my life. We recently came to Toowoomba to be nearer to our Grandchildren in Western suburbs of Brisbane after selling our beautiful home further north, but also for a while we are both wanting to do some traveling around Australia but hopefully overseas also of course that might not happen. Therefore with all this in mind we dont want to buy again yet, just as your description is so perfectly matched to how we have been treated. We are both retirees , and I lead a very busy working life working in a city hospital A/E department for many years with a large number of staff under my direction , I would never have spoken to any member of my staff or even for that matter patients either the way my husband and I have been spoken to by some of these agents, as soon as they hear we are not a potential buyer, and as plainly can be established we are both past a certain stage in our lives. I have to admit and am not proud to admit to acting in this manner, but in the past week or so in utter frustration I have started to see myself dropping down to their levels. Its very hard situation to be in as the only way to describe our situation is to say as it is, we are homeless. We are having to stay in a local motel, of course had we known this ridiculous situation that is happening all over our country now was going to happen, we would never have sold our home. The whole utterly ridiculous situation came about in the small time frame of no more than 3 weeks, I go to sleep every night with great difficulty with the whole sorry saga playing out in my mind and wondering how long this nightmare is going to go on for, then you have to endure the disgraceful reactions you get from some of these real estate people. Plus I also have a container of all my beautiful home and almost all of our clothing as well , sitting in a yard of our removal company further north. I just hope one day that I can look back on all of this and hopefully manage a strained smile. One person, no will change that 2 people who claimed to be friends, stated the ridiculous statement the other day that it must be very exciting what we are experiencing and doing, well all I can say to them as Idid at the time, they must be very weird people or completely void of a brain, to think that 2 elderly people would look on this as exciting, as the bag of laundry grows to a level of when I do eventually. And hopefully do own a laundry room of my own again, I probably wont vacate it for best part of a month. Then I suppose you can look on it all as I wont be destroying or tearing apart an investors house, will be to busy catching up on a few months laundry.
I cannot believe there are so many bad reviews for this beautiful city! I was born in Toowoomba and moved when I was 3 but I recently revisited Toowoomba and LOVED it! Although, I would never live there because I am not a fan of the cold, which would seem to be it's only down fall. As for the shopping aspect, Toowoomba has a lovely shopping center and Toowoomba has a huge advantage on shopping compared to other towns of it's size. for eg. you have myer, not even Townsville has a myer.
Great for
- Beautiful parks
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Country Lovers
well said
Townsville has had a Myer for at least 25 years - when I used to live there. I preferred the shopping in Townsville though recently it has had a downturn.
Townsville is beyond horrid!! Having to lock your car doors whilst driving,secure your premises beyond the norm with cameras,watch all intersections for youths in stolen cars running red lights like GTA style,druggos jumping counters in shops with knives,watching your back whilst you go to and from your vehicle,paying caution to the fact that whilst fueling your car you may have it hijacked,perhaps you'll have it egged so that you can't see through the windscreen and have NO choice but to pull over where you're assaulted and your car stolen by youths. If you're wanting a disgusting city of disrespectful degenerate chroming detention center youths ruling the place then yeah....Go Townsville!! Such a lovely safe place to raise children or retire. Check out the crime rates. I wouldn't even let my dog live there because they're beating them with sticks and stones and kicking them,or,feeding them over a period of time to get to your premises,stealing from you whilst you're home awake or asleep or out and about....they don't care about violating you or your pets! Crimesville,Brownsville,Clownsville are now my preferred names for that hot crime hole.
"Theres nothing to do, so Ill write a review"
If the weather warms up enough for me to feel my toes I might go to the park. (It's freezing here) The parks are beautiful, which is awesome if you're 5... only slightly less interesting than the Macca's car park if you're a teenager. Toowoomba has an incredibly large number of schools and a university, so it seems a shame (and quite odd) that there is so little to do for the over 5s and under 65s.
Despite Toowoomba's decent-sized population, neither the activities available nor the social attitude, reflect the size of the town. Although lots of locals are very nice, they are particular about the type of people welcome in town and have generally forgotten how to have a good time, unless gospel festivals...avoiding (or being) drink driving hooligans....and gardening a lot, count as uproarious fun. Apart from the rare, terrible natural disasters and the occasional potential hostage situations at local schools, life here is fairly predictable.
The day begins with the large semi trailers full of sorrowful looking cows clanging through the centre of town at around 6am and it really sets a tone for the day... beastly.
Nothing happens and then ho hum continues until wrangling with some uncalled-for verbal abuse and trying to find ways to communicate with the locals through their thick padding of conservative, suburban denial, fritters away the remainder of the day. Dinner must be eaten by 7.30pm if you want a greater range of options and it is advisable to be home before hoon happy hour. On Sundays there are lots of church services and a couple of great produce markets. The public transport is pitiful and the cost of living is not as affordable as the brochures would lead you to believe.
If you are a stay-at-home/ off-to-work-and-back type person, you tend to avoid the bulk of the madness and Toowoomba seems lovely. There is "local" theatre (the occasional touring act), cinemas, gyms, a massive hardware complex (complete with playground), fabulous parks full of flowers, birds that chirp all day, dogs that bark all day, and a strangely disproportionate number of children circling their quarter acre blocks on mini motorbikes. There are a bounty of school fetes with plenty of chocolate crackles, a smattering of pleasant enough cafes serving conventional menus and (save a precious few) genuinely awful coffee, generic shops and a healthy aversion to the adventurous, extreme or people with nose rings, which keeps the town free of any life force too accelerant (in the creative sense; there's plenty of firecrackers about). As for music, think...'all your hits from your 70s, 80s and 90s' and the nightlife is li
.....sorry, I fell asleep.
So if you are content with stuffy collars, egg and lettuce sandwiches and a particular drawer-liner-like scent (Eau de Woomba) that you find in every homeware and clothing "boutique". Or if you're into hotted up cars, television entertainment, online shopping for budget eyeliner and niceness to the point of ignoring the blaringly obvious or ignorance to the point of being oblivious to niceness...then you might like it here. It's not all bad.
The soil is excellent for growing, the air is crisp, the fog is thick which hides the cracks nicely. But as an active or artistic or modern thinker of 15-55yrs, you would find this dried up, mouldy swamp...challenging. There is not quite enough bush to feel country and not enough cultural or progressive activity to be city. There is very little to do other than walk in the park (dodging broken glass, shadows and ciggie butts), pray for salvation and write real estate reviews.
If Toowoomba were an apple, it'd be tart and perfect for pie, but if you like your fruit juicy and full of flavour...pick somewhere else.
Great for
- Beautiful parks
- Climate
- Hot in summer freezing in winter
Not great for
- Conservative and bland
- Not many singles!
- No culture or shopping
Who lives here?
- Retirees
Have you considered that the "good ole folk" of Toowoomba are acting maybe a bit like" Ned Kellys last stand" ? Maybe just maybe they dont want the drug pushers, lazy yobos who dont want to work, hoons in fast cars, night clubs open 24/7 with bouncers beating the living day lights out of it clients out side on the street ? Maybe just maybe they are fighting to keep Toowoomba back in the "dark ages' because at least then people had values and cared about others and the environment.
If you want the resturants open till 2am, the night clubs, people with 6 shades of hair, etc etc, it is VERY easy to find in just about all large cities and towns so simply MOVE, you will be happy and i am sure the people of Toowoomba will also be happy.
We plan to move to Toowoomba quite simply to leave behind the sort of town you crave, and look forward to becoming one of those very boring people who attends church on Sundays, grows veggies in the garden, and takes the kids for a walk in the park .
Yes I have...I've been a local on and off for 40 years. The hoons were here before I was growing veggies here, and they haven't changed. I don't think that a few things to do in town would bring these types of people in...they're already here and they are bored.
The kind of people I would like to see in town are the kind of people who are tolerant to people from mutli-cultural backgrounds, people wgho are creative and artistioc so that some decent theatre would be accepted in this town, and people awho can make som decent thai food!
Beautifully written Mr Bus. Love the so. Allen Christian condemning anyone not exactly like her
"Maybe just maybe they dont want the drug pushers, lazy yobos who dont want to work, hoons in fast cars, .." They are already in Toowoomba Tess. The constant hooning in town drives me mad. Mr Bus was spot on. I suggest you might like to bring yourself up to date before you move back as you seem very out of touch with what actually goes on in Toowoomba. Mind you, your level of intolerance is very Toowoomba - so I am sure you will be happy here.
"Not alot going on"
If you want humdrum then Toowoomba is probably a good place for you. There is not a lot to do around here unless you like parks. The closest city is Brisbane and it is a two hour drive on a good day, when the Warrego isn't closed due to landslides or accidents. As disovered recently, as there is only one way in and out of town, the closure of the Warego results in food and fuel shortages.
Realestate (houseprices and rent) are overpriced, considering what you can buy in the same pricebracket in towns such as Noosa, Ipwich, Townsville or Bundaberg.
There are no decent cultural events, no Museum, no Art. There is not a lot for children or young adults to do. The shopping is abysmal. The weather is either drought or flood, and we have had major water shortages for the last 15 years, with restrictions meaning we have been unable to water our lawns or gardens. Council have ripped up the gardens in the main street and planted cactus to deal with the water shortages.
People are not that friendly, we have major drug problems in our schools (but who doesnt these days?) and the crime is phenomenal. As a female, I do not feel safe being downtown during the day, nevermind after dark. A lot of the crime here is hushed up, to make the town more attractive to tourists.
I've moved around quite a bit, and I can say Toowoomba is not on my list of "livable" towns. Sadly Toowoomba is halfway between city and town. It has all the faults of both and non of the benefits of either.
Not great for
- No culture or shopping
- Distance from Brisbane
- Not friendly
- Not many singles!
Who lives here?
- Country Lovers
Couldn't agree more. Particularly the point that Toowoomba has all the faults of both city/country and none of the benefits of either. I may do some research on Mackay after reading your review, sounds like an interesting place.
"Not for Singles!!!"
I moved to Toowoomba thinking it would be more of a 'happening' place. It's a beautiful town and although the people are friendly, they aren't interested in making friends. As for meeting people of the opposite sex, Toowoomba is not the place. Don't come on your own! Other than that, the weather is fantastic and it's got everything you need. Perfect for raising a family.
Great for
- Climate
- Everything you need
Not great for
- Not many singles!
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Students
- Country Lovers
"a large town with small town feel - great place to raise a family."
Toowoomba has that real cosmopolitan feel in the centre of town, yet it is only a few minutes drive to the country - what more could you want? Vale View, just out of town, is only a short 10minute drive south west of Toowoomba, with acerage blocks for the kids to roam, raise some chooks or a few lambs - it offers the country lifestyle, yet within reach of all the fabulous ammenities of Toowoomba. There is a wonderful small country school 2klms from the estate, & the neighbourhood is friendly & quiet.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
"A Great Place for young families"
Very safe community, that has a country flavour. Easily navigated with all essential services on hand. A great alternative to suburban Brisbane with close acces to all capital city services.
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
"If youre looking for somewhere quiet and green but are prepared to sacrifice public amenities and neighbourly spirit then come to Toowoomba."
Toowoomba is a beautiful, clean and green place to live and looks great on the surface.
I lived in the area 20 years ago and have recently returned and not much has changed, except for the friendliness, helpfulness and general warm country, neighbourly spirit. Toowoomba is very 'cliquey' and incredibly hard to make headway into. Unless you already have family or friends here I would suggest trying somewhere just that little bit smaller. Toowoomba has grown a lot over the years and in its effort to compete with the bigger cities it has lost its charm.
Great hospital and education facilities in Toowoomba. Shopping is not great but a day trip to Brisbane is easy and only about an hour & a half away. In terms of modern shops or staying up with the 'fashions' (if thats your thing) you wont find it in Toowoomba. They have only just started Sunday trading here and apparently its not going too well so according to local shop owners it may not be a long term prospect. There are a number of house & gardening furnishing retail outlets with a slightly smaller range than those in the major cities but I'm sure you could have it ordered in. Delivery fees are quite expensive considering the short distances they have to travel.
Toowoomba is trying hard to be more cosmopolitan and there are plenty of cafes and pubs and a few select nice restaurants. If you are a casual 'steak & beer' type person there are plenty of options. Not too many options if you like something a bit more ethnic such as authentic thai, korean, japanese, turkish or greek. A few standard Aussie-fied chinese type places. Oh yes, and its hard to get a good coffee in Toowoomba. There is a few lovely cafes but you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince (figuratively speaking).
Public transport is absolutely appalling in Toowoomba. Buses run once an hour and the last service as just before 6pm so bad luck if you're working overtime. There is also a limited Saturday service and nothing at all on Sunday. Parking isnt too bad because sometimes driving is the only option.
The most well known thing about Toowoomba is, for Queensland, it's really really really cold. Did I say really?? I meant REALLY. Summer is much nicer but anything after about May is not pleasant at all. If you can fly north for June and July and some of August, do it.
I would say the worst thing, for my family at least, is the people. Really unfriendly which was quite unexpected. You would be hard pressed to raise a smile from most people on the street. Of course there is always exceptions to the rule but I find this the most disappointing aspect of Toowoomba life. It almost goes back to the old days of having to be born & bred in the area (which is strange cos I'm not that far removed from that. My grandfather was a shearer & stock agent in this general region most of his life).
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
- Retirees
"My Opinion on Toowoomba"
I've lived here since 2005, in various suburbs. Toowoomba is a nice, sprawling country town that wants to be a bigger city, but is held back by its good ol'-fashioned values and a high percentage of elderly residents, church go-ers and country bumpkins who all seem afraid of progress.
Toowoomba is located approx 90 minutes west of Brisbane, and the only way to get to the town from Brisbane is up a goat track of a road called The Range, which gets more and more dangerous every week (especially with the fog and the rain) but the government doesn't really seem to care about fixing it or providing an alternative at the moment (guess we'll just have to wait for a few dozen people to die in crashes or something before anything happens). If you've got the metal, you'll love dodging the trucks going up and down the range - just make sure your brakes are working well.
Once you are in Toowoomba you are greeted with a great range of shopping and dining options - there are some excellent restaurants in Toowoomba, as long as you like being fed and in bed by 7:30pm - no late night dining in this town! If you catch a movie or a show at the famous Empire Theatre, make sure you have enough change for McDonalds afterwards because thats the only thing that will be open after 9pm if you're hungry! As for Sunday shopping - forget it! Better stock up on Saturday afternoons, or better yet, head to Brisbane if you want to do some serious Sunday shopping (if you're brave enough to hurtle down The Range that is!)
Toowoomba has literally HUNDREDS of parks - none of which I'd visit after dark for fear of being robbed or raped - and probably the biggest is Queens Park. If you have children it has excellent play equipment, but you better make sure your children have been to the toilet beforehand, because in the enormous park there is only one or two toilet facilities (hundreds of metres away from the playground, which is NOT handy when you're juggling children and picnic rugs). But don't worry, as I've seen on plenty of occasions, a lot of the local parents just let their children squat and do their business on the grass. Its a classy place. Oh, and ALWAYS watch your children in Toowoomba - there is an unusually high population of people getting caught for indecently dealing with minors (a fact admitted by a local policeman).
There are plenty of employment opportunities in Toowoomba, and it has currently one of the lowest rates of unemployment in Queensland apparently - obviously they dont take into account the population aged between 16-25 in their statistics, because you can see the majority of this part of the population hanging out the front of Grand Central smoking, yelling and generally wasting their life away. Most of the females have babies with them, and most of the males are trying their best with the females to make more of them.
Crime is a big problem in Toowoomba, in certain areas. There are a HUGE number of break-ins and assaults, but the most common thing people are charged with in Toowoomba is disorderly conduct whilst under the influence. Drugs, alcohol, all of the above! Theres the occasional murder (or three), a fair handful of rapes and bashings every month, LOTS of children running the streets randomly breaking people's property (probably because they have nothing to do with their time) and drink driving and hooning are a popular pasttime, especially for the young males of the area.
Last but not least - oh yeah, Toowoomba has no water! The good people voted not to use recycled water, they'd rather use their last scum-infested dribbles of dam water instead. When that runs out I guess we'll all just switch to beer. We are building a pipeline from Brisbane to Toowoomba to steal some of Brisbane's water though, which seems like a good solution (except for the fact that Brisbane doesn't really have enough water to share in the long term, so give it a few more years and we'll be in the same situation!). My suggestion - BYO bottled Mt Franklin and stock up! It'll probably cost less to do that in the long run then pay the inflated water rates to pay for the pipeline....
PS. Also bring a car - the public transport in Toowoomba is non-existent.
Who lives here?
- Retirees
I always wonder why people like meepmeep keepkeep living in a town they obviously don't like. I have a friend from Sydney who has lived here for 30 years and still whinges about what Toowoomba doesn't have and how good its was in the old days in Sydney. Go back to where you come from if you don't like it here. I love it here. I have lived here all my life and have seen it grow from a place where everyone knew everyone to a bigger place that still has a country town feel. It's not to big and not to small. Easy to get anywhere you want to go in a short time. Plenty of great places to shop. No nightmare traffic like in the big cities. However you can quickly be in Brisbane if you want that. It's not for you if you like the exciting fast life in the city, but if you want to live in a quiet, peaceful beautiful, green, relatively safe place come to Toowoomba we like it here.
This is an overly negative review...
Sounds like every other town/city anywhere in Australia. The issues you raise are not unique to Toowoomba - the same thing is happening in EVERY place you think of living in this country! It's a result of taking discipline out of schools; civil libertarians running our justice system and the "I deserve a hand-out and have no respect for anybody let alone myself" mentality of the bogans that now make up the last two generations of this country. I don't live in Toowoomba but I've lived in other major towns and know that anti-social behaviour and people with 'chips on their shoulders' are everywhere!
In reply to imc53 - You wrote "Go back to where you come from if you don't like it here" which doesnt suprise me; theres a lot of people in Toowoomba that have that attitude about people who werent born an (in)bred there. I'm glad you love the town, but you didnt really address ANY of the issues I talked about in my review.
Relatively safe? You say relatively safe but are you actually denying any of what I've described takes place in Toowoomba? You're saying you would feel comfortable walking in the CBD at night (probably to McDonalds after realising there are no restaurants open after 7pm)? In one weekend recently the police recorded 7 assaults in the CBD (including 2 on police), 17 public nuisance offences, 14 DUIs and 13 crashes. Considering the CBD is only about three streets wide - thats a hell of a lot! Not to mention all the burglaries that occcur because of the high percentage of bogan kids with no respect for anyone's property (they never had any of their own property because their parents were always hocking it to buy drugs so they steal everyone elses).
Ask the poor girl that has to put up with armed robberies every few months at Big Dad's Pies on James St if she thinks this place is safe. Ask the woman who was assaulted getting her mail in Annand St in broad daylight recently if she thinks Toowoomba is safe.
Since you didnt address any of the many other issues I discussed in my review, I'm assuming you agree with what I'm saying.
To bowzer - I agree! And yes, I know this is a widespread problem across Australia - and Toowoomba definitely is no different. My review clearly illustrates this :)
I don't know why my review was rated as "unhelpful" - do people want an honest opinion, or a fluffy tourism ad campaign?
Oh also - the water at the moment tastes like what I'd imagine the run-off from the nursery at Bunnings would taste like. You can really taste the chemically-goodness. Boil your water before you drink it, or invest in a good filter system. Gee this town is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest!
I appreciate your honest opinions on the town - I don't take any notice of the 'reviews' written by Real Estate Agents trying to pass a place off as 'paradise' as it's good for their business. Nor do I take any notice of people who write reviews on cities/towns they simply drove through on their 'grey-nomads' tour of Australia. I only wish that more people would discover this site and write, honestly, about what it's like to live where they live. For people who may be considering a transfer to a particular location for employment purposes, it can be very helpful.
For Meepmeep. Just a couple of restaurants open after 7pm include Weis Restaurant (open 365 days a year), Hogs Breath, Sizzlers & Veraison (till 11.30 6 days). These are just the ones I have been to in the last 12 months and there is no doubt many more. Dont know where you are getting your info from but it is wrong...
Hey Bowzer... Very little honesty coming from Meepmeep. Perhaps one too many drinks of that run-off from the nursery at Bunnings they claim to have tasted. I happen to be in Real Estate and am not aware of too many agents that take the 'paradise' aproach. We are always getting a bad wrap from the very small % of agents who do the wrong thing. It's like many professions I guess. We certainly have our problems here mate as they do in any town which you very rightly pointed out. Darn nice place to live in and raise a family though. Just need to stay out of certain areas at certain times which most intelligent would do anyway. Hope you come visit or move here one day so you can see how nice it is for yourself. Enjoy one of the many parks, great shopping, close proximity to Brisbane or even a night out at a restaurant (after 7pm)... I will walk naked to Bourke if you cant find one open after 7pm.. All the best!
"I happen to be in Real Estate and am not aware of too many agents that take the 'paradise' aproach."
Hahahahahahahahahahaha - *catches breath* - HAhahahahahahahahaha
Coming from someone who works in real estate ...that is hilarious.
But anyway....
Hogs Breath and Sizzlers?? Wow, fine dining at its best!
So you agree that Weis & Veraison are quality Restaurants? So that should be enough then shouldnt it to show people that there are good restuarants open after 7 pm... Now lets be freinds from here on in and tell people what a nice place Toowoomba really is (apart from those couple of things that you mentioned- which I agree with-) but they happen everywhere dont they....
Weis & Veraison are both great restaurants!
In my first review I mentioned the good things about Toowoomba - great shopping & dining options, hundreds of parks, good employment opportunities. I'm just not prepared to be "all fluff" and no reality when it comes to my reviews. And frankly, what I mentioned in my review is the reality we face in Toowoomba! Yes, it happens everywhere (except maybe the whole running out of water issue), but that doesnt mean it shouldnt be mentioned in a review.
If I was moving somewhere and wanted to know what it was like, I'd like to know the reality, not the glossy tourism ad campaigns you get from most websites.
While I appreciate honesty from people, I do think it's bizarre that you have so much to complain about in a city where you actually live. Why don't you move?? I'm confused as to why you would want to stay somewhere you clearly hate.
My husband and I are thinking of moving to Toowoomba with our little girl, so while I found your article helpful, it's certainly not the only opinion we're going to take into consideration. We have friends who love it there, and they are in no way like any of the Toowoomba natives you talk about. Personally, what turns me off most is your negativity and sarcasm. If people in Toowoomba are really like that, then no thanks. We'll stay in over-populated, traffic-congested, ridiculously house priced Brisbane. See how I'm complaining about Brisbane? But I'm actually trying to get out of it. Funny that.
Oh, and clearly judging people for what they do for a living is part of living in Toowoomba too, because you have an obvious distaste for real estate agents, who can't all be as dishonest as you make them out to be.
Maybe a move would be good for you - perhaps help you to shed that nasty negativity? Give it a go!
To address your questions KM32 - "Why don't you move??" - I'm moving away from Toowoomba in two months for a job transfer. Couldn't happen fast enough :)
"you have an obvious distaste for real estate agents" - no I don't, I don't think they are ALL dishonest - just some.
I've always found that reading the local newspaper of the town is a good indication of what to expect. Go to and check it out - this mornings headlines are "USQ Student Robbed At Gunpoint" and "Teenagers Filmed Lamb Slaughter". Theres also a story on the taxi driver who is accused of sexually assaulting a female passenger.
Funny that, I never used to be so negative until I came here. Maybe a seachange will be a good thing!
I have to say I have had a good giggle at meepmeep's comments, and I mean that as a compliment. It's funny because everything he/she has said is completely 100% true!! Particularly the dining after 7pm. From personal experience (last night in actual fact) my child's friend decided they wanted to go to "Sizzler" for dinner (yes I know!!!). When we got there at 7pm the carpark was full and there was a long queue. By 8.15pm when we left the place was a ghost town. Perhaps it's the crime rate making people scurry home as early as possible.
And yes, the "go back to where you came from" comment is used abundantly here. Seems to be a little bit of lack of understanding/compassion/ignorance/fear of people that are not like the every day run of the mill people here.
May well be a great place to bring up children given the quantity of public and private schools but just as long as you leave town before your daughters turn in to teenagers. The great unwashed hanging around outside Gardentown as mentioned by meepmeep is just telling it like it is. It's a very sad reflection on society in Toowoomba that either these young adults have no interest or lack of direction and are satisfied to sit around bumming smokes off strangers while trying to 'score' (whether that be a new potential pregnant teenager girl or their drug of choice).
And before you go thinking I'm some critical old fuddy duddy, I'm 35 and lived all over Australia and the world. Toowoomba has so much potential and beautiful places, its just sad that the population let it down somewhat (obviously there are exceptions to the rule but I'm talking about the majority).
See, the problem with the above comment is this: tell me one regional "city" in Australia that does not have such problems. I think you'll be hard pressed to find one....
Hahaha @ "the great unwashed". Classic!
So HandyAndy - you're saying that just because Toowoomba isn't the only regional city that has these problems they shouldn't be mentioned at all? That kind of misses the point about giving an opinion about a town on this forum, doesn't it?
Anyway I have to go and find some spare fence palings to replace the ones that a gang of teenagers ripped out at about 2am last night. How do I know the culprits are teenagers? Because they woke me up after they spent 10 minutes smashing up a phone box across the road from me, then ripped out the palings as they walked past my home.
I think the teenage hooligan problems are widespread across the whole of this once-great country. I live on the Tweed (border of NSW and QLD) and we have the same issues here. I moved here from a very quiet little seaside village on the NSW north coast and soon after arriving here, thought I'd made a huge mistake (keep in mind that I'm only 32 with very young children) due to the escalating youth crime issues here. I seriously considered packing-up and leaving the area, but, after reading 'revues' on other large regional cities/towns, it seems the same problems are being suffered everywhere. ie. youth gangs, violence, antisocial behaviour, hoons, graffitti, etc, etc, etc. I now blame our weak judicial system, our way-too-generous welfare system and the political correct 'do-gooders' of society in general who, over the last 20 years or so, have changed the face of our country for the worse. Just ask any school teacher or Police Officer who has been in their professions for over 20 years and I'll run naked down my street if ANY of them say kids/society today has more respect than they did 20 years ago.
Forgot to add that the 'quiet little seaside village' that I grew up in and left is now on the news most nights for it's youth crime problems as well. Very often 'seachange' towns are the worst for this!
I have to agree with meepmeep. It's sad but so very true. If your "from" Toowoomba, you think this town is "normal". If your new here, you definately realise it's far from it...
I too find this review overly negative too. I have lived in many other towns & cities, & have chosen to raise my family on the outskirts of Toowoomba. We have so many fantastic & progressive schools & medical facilities here, as well as some of the most beautiful parks & gardens in Queensland.
Of course it has a conservative element - most country towns, with a rich history, where generations choose to stay do, but there is a vibrant, cultural & progressive element too. As much as I love Toowoomba, I do find the wowsers frustrating at times, but I also do not think it is necessary for every town in Australia to offer the same services as each other e.g. Sunday trading (which has since been implemented anyway).
Youth crime & boredom are not localised to Toowoomba - there is that element to society Australia wide. I think you will find that per head, crime here is no worse than anywhere else - Toowoomba is quite a large place for a country town.
Have you tried The Angel Cafe? Always open, fabulous service, great food!
Water - get a tank - we don't have town water, & rely on our tanks, & a bore supply (we are on acreage though). I did vote "yes" for recycled water.
I am sad that you haven't enjoyed your time in Toowoomba meepmeep, but the old adage "you can't please everyone" comes to mind. & I'd live here any day over that smog infested traffic jam Brisbane or the drug addled coasts - great for a short holiday, but, leave the beach & investigate the suburbs you'll find more teens smoking dope & partying on other illicit drugs there than here.
Hope you find your happy place - glad I've found mine.
I don't think the issue is discipline in schools - it's discipline in the home that is lacking browzer.
meepmeep - all towns have a "gardentown" or similar shopping centre/area that attract loitering undesirables - instead of slagging them off, perhaps we should be looking for solutions to these problems? I see you have no problem airing your grievances, but I wonder what your thoughts are to help solve these issues, to make all our towns safer & more pleasant places to live.
meepmeep where the hell do you live. Why not try a good suburb. I would have thought someone so judgemental and high and mighty would live at the best address in town. Yes there are parts of Toowoomba (few) where i wouldnt live in the same way that there are suburbs in Brisbane, Sydney and just about anywhere else in Australia where i wouldn't live. (Before all the dogooders start screaming about this comment be honest with yourself there ARE areas you wouldnt choose to live in) I live in a nice quite area where i walk alone at night and feel no fear. When are you leaving town Meepmeep let us know we'll throw you a big sendoff at Gardentown.
Oh meepmeep...I think you've been too kind. The food here is terrible! The only reason people think it is good is because they desperately want to believe that real food tastes that way... and the coffee in most places might as well be mud. There are a few saving graces with the coffee but the cost is outrageous. And the cost of living- the rent is cheaper but the food, the medical bills, the utilities are all a lot more expensive than in major cities.
The traffic may not seem like much but the drivers are inconsiderate and the hoons make the roads downright dangerous on a Thursday night. Particularly if it's foggy. To be honest I used to feel safer walking through Collingwood in Melbourne at night than I do going to McDonalds in Toowoomba IN THE DAY. I grew up here, I've done my fair share of boot-riding and hanging out of cars shouting profanities, and I went to a dodgy private school where we had our undies checked for the quality of their colour!!!!! This place is weird and conservative and I will say it...backwards. If you think it is've never left- or only ever lived in Brisbane. But I know you Toowoombogans will just get defensive and cranky and tell me I'm wrong because that's what y'all do. Just admit're bored out of your brain and just looking for a fight, at least it gives you something to do. Dukes up Toowoomba!
MrBus has taken over where meepmeep left off. I can see he/she is looking for a good tongue lashing. I am happy to oblige. As with Meepmeep why are you living here? I think Meepmeep should have jumped on MrBus and they both should have riden out of town and kept right on going. If you feel safe walking in Collingwood, go ahead, do it, go and walk in Collingwood. Fair enough you are entitled to your opinion, and i would understand if you lived somewhere else. Why choose to live in a town that you don't like, and then have the hide to tell the people who like it here that they should leave because only then will they be able to see how "weird, conservative and backward" Toowoomba really is. Why have you come back MrBus couldn't you hack it in the big city? I would have thought someone so allknowing, critical and condescending would be so successful that they could choose where they live. If you live somewhere else write a review on your town/city, and leave ours alone.
Can anyone tell me the best areas to live in inner city toowoomba? Under $300,000? Thanks
If you can afford East Toowoomba (east of Lindsay St) or Rangeville. Otherwise Kearney Springs. It depends what you are looking for. Older character homes in tree lined streets are in East Toowoomba or Newtown. We lived in Newtown about 10 years ago, & while I loved the cosmopolitan feel (all sorts lived there - young professionals, families, elderly; & we could walk everywhere), we were very conscious of locking doors & windows, & we had a dog for security. If you prefer a newer style home, Kearney Springs or Middle Ridge would be more suitable. Rangeville is considered a desirable suburb, but has many 60's & 70's style homes, as does Centenary Heights. These are the suburbs that generally have seen good growth in real estate prices. Hope that has been of some help to you.
Wow, that was a quick reply, thank you. I'm going to Toowoomba this weekend to have a look around. I love the older style weather board homes (but in good condition). I am a bit concerned about security as a lot of reviews mention the crime rate in nToowoomba. I would hope to be working in the CBD, so don't want to be too far out of town. I hear public transport is not great. Please also let me know which suburbs to avoid, if you have the time. (flooding etc,) I was told to avoid housing commission areas but I don't know which areas they are? Thanks again
Hi, the areas that flooded were right in the centre of town, where the storm water drains & railway lines run through - evidence of flooding is still there, so you will be able to tell. Not quite so many houses in Toowoomba itself were damaged - more businesses.
Areas to avoid if you want to be away from the housing commission, etc would be Wilsonton (any of the streets in particular with names that relate to wine - such as Champagne etc have got a bad rap over the years), Darling Heights has a high population of rental accommodation being close to USQ, & Rockville, & Harlaxton also offer cheaper rental, & government housing. Harristown too offers a mixed population, as does Newtown & The Mort Estate. Although in Harristown, Newtown & the Mort Estate, you will find some beautiful older style homes for a more reasonable price. Not saying these areas are bad, but I would suggest checking out the streets at peak hours, & at night to check out the night life! (especially if there is a pub around the corner!). Good luck, I'm sure you will find something you love, & hope you enjoy your move to Toowoomba!
Thank you so much. Your review is very helpful, exactly the sort of info I was after. I appreciate your time
Aussie fun...I would also avoid anywhere too close to the range, James St or Margaret St...the traffic can be incessantly noisy. And stay on the ridges.
:D imc53...I completely appreciate that you might like it here. My parents seem to, either that or they've just got sucked into the vortex. The air is clean, the soil is excellent for growing lovely flowers and tomatoes, it's extremely quiet...on all fronts except for the bogans. There's a lovely cuckoo clock shop just out of town...what more could you want? Occasionally some half decent music and theatre even dares to grace the stages on offer (but seldom return...). I am just putting out a heads up to those who are looking at moving here and hoping that there might be some culture or progressive thinking on offer in the town. There is not. It is conservative, and filled with either people who are bored and wasted or people who think they are more important than they are and are too cosy in their Canterbury jerseys to care. Having said that, lots of people are very nice in a nice and quiet, don't get up dear... kind of way. If you are one of them, then good for you dear. Have another iced vovo.
Oh valleyview....this progressive and cultural element you talk about....where is it? I genuinely would like to know, I've been looking for it for over 30years and still haven't seen hide nor hair.
Is there a live music venue somewhere that doesn't have an R.M Williams dress code? Is there an organic cafe with a permaculture diplay garden and educational facitlity? Is there an art gallery that houses street art, international exhibitions and cutting edge local fashion design? Where are the indigenous elders and aboriginal cultural centres. Where are the international food shops (other than the excellent asian groceries) where can I buy decent lebanese bread and authentic turkish coffee? Where are the glitzy gay clubs? These are the questions I have of Toowoomba.
One of my primary concerns is that many people who might have brought these things to town, have been chased away by teenage bogans wearing knuckle rings, shouting abuse and blaring their confederate air horns. Or that the aged wise ones of the town think that "those out-of-towners" are not what this country need.
4350- another negative whinger heard from. I don't understand someone who has lived all over this country and the world who doesn't know that most of these problems happen everywhere. Crime is widespread. Drug taking is epidemic in teenagers everywhere. To make out that these problems are only happening in Toowoomba is ridiculous. MrBus don't talk to me like some silly old dear. I hate iced vovos. The way you talk down to everyone i would have thought you WERE one of the cosy Canterbury Jersey wearers. I'm sure you think you are so much better then the Bogans you refer to, and yet you don't like the snobs either. Where do you fit in poor MrBus. Whats keeping you here go to where the music and theatre suit, but i think they'll be hard pressed to make you happy.
thanks for your response MrBus - it's ValeView actually, a picturesque little place just 6ks out of Toowoomba, where we are proud to be a part of the Toowoomba region. We may be a little behind, in your opinion, but at least we aren't snobs!
The wineries in our region are producing lovely wine, to go with the organic produce that is locally produced - we even have 2 farmer's markets (town square, near council chambers, & at USQ). New & inventive coffee shops & restaurants are opening up, many displaying local art. What about the Queen's Park Craft Markets, etc. I believe that Bon Amici's has live music. We've seen great music & theatre at the beautiful Empire Theatre, but you know what - Brisbane is really not that far away for a night out if you don't like what's on offer here.
There are many local schools, early education centres, etc that are very progressive - have you not heard of the Maridahdi Community school, or Chiselhurst, or Rosemont Cottage, Withcott Early Learning Centre or dare I say it, even many of the state schools that offer alternative learning, embracing such things as sustainable living, environmental awareness, multi-culturalism, etc.
We have a legal brothel - surely that is somewhat progressive!
I understand that you are not happy with Toowoomba - we don't all have our collars turned up & wear pearls to watch the kid's play sport, but I have found that most of Toowoomba performs amazingly well in a crisis, & the community comes together to help out - did you not see the amazing community that did everything it could after the floods? That's the sort of place I want to raise my children in - a place where people help each other out, regardless of the brand of coffee that is served!
I think you'll find that even the bogans helped out during the floods.
It seems to me your biggest beef is that you don't know where the gay club is!!!!
there are also the community organic gardens in behind Goggs St, that you can be a part of. If you look hard enough, I'm sure you'll find more!
My apologies valeview... It is an oversight to get your name wrong. I actually went to Chiselhurst as a child so am very familiar with it. I go to the markets that are sparsely attended and seem to offer less and less each fortnight and I have been to every cafe I can find and although there are a couple of gems, I have to say that I find them, generally, to be severely lacking in barista skills. I have been to the Gogg St gardens, I have searched highfields and still, I find ingrained conservatism masquerading as being progressive.
I am also very familiar with the Empire and the fact that there is only one cafe that seems committed to live music is what worries me. A town this size could support so much more... and why doesn't it? That is my main beef. The fact that many people would rather sit at home or get drunk in parks than do something or experience something productive or creative.
There are lovely people in town, I have met many, but, I have not met people who step beyond the norm and push cultural boundaries, or even express themselves honestly. There is a lot of conformity. Perhaps they do push Toowoomba's boundaries, but Toowoomba is very restricted and restrictive. That is my beef. least we have one thing in common, we both hate iced vovos. The fact is, I am painfully aware that I do not fit in in Toowoomba because there are so few social elements to fit into. Again, my beef. Bogan, canterbury wearer or silent mainstream conformist. That seems to be the lot. As for being condescending, all I can say is that it's true, my Caterbury wearing Toowoomba education is quite possibly to blame.
Oh and as for response to the floods, yeh, thumbs up Toowoomba. But I think you'd find, like drug problems and bogans, that communities anywhere in Australia would rally together under those circumstances. Anywhere I've lived in Australia through a crisis, has always responded supportively.
Mrbus now you've made me feel bad. I'm sorry you feel you don't fit in good luck finding your happy place.
Oh Mr Bus I think we could be best friends!!!! Everything I've read I keep saying YES YES too!!! As I said in my original post (which some of the other posters obviously havent read in full) is "Toowoomba has so much potential and beautiful places, its just sad that the population let it down somewhat (obviously there are exceptions to the rule but I'm talking about the majority)".
imc53's attitude is exactly the thing I'm talking about. "Go back to where you came from cos we only want OUR type here".... the sad thing being what OUR type actually is. Diversity is something Toowoomba has yet to come to terms with.
And imc53, grab your bifocals ("To make out that these problems are only happening in Toowoomba is ridiculous"), I never said Toowoomba is the ONLY place with youth problems. I said it is a problem here in Toowoomba, which is what this forum is about, not every other town.
Mr Bus I think you're exactly right in that those people that could have brought diversity into Toowoomba have been scared away by comments like "go back to where you came from". Toowoomba does have potential, the conservative population are really doing this place an injustice by not welcoming change and making it an even better place.
4350- I'd say MrBus has too much taste and brains to be your friend. Have you ever thought that people not being friendly to you is your problem not theirs. Maybe theres something obnoxious about you. Quoting people in hillbilly speak is hardly going to endear you to them. Never has anyone said "Go back to where you come from cos we only want OUR type here" Leave the condescending chat to MrBus he does it so much better. Your a cheap imitation. No bifocals deary.
Thank you imc53, I'm sorry I told you to eat an iced vovo.
4350...for both our sakes I really hope that some of the more extreme locals stop chasing witches and put their pitchforks down. Then maybe Toowoomba could support a half decent live music scene, a funky gallery, decent souvlaki and something for those kids to do. Surely they can't begrudge that?
Hee hee... sorry imc53 it's just that the hillbilly speak is so tempting when your faced such a social brick wall. It is really difficult here if you're even just a little bit different.
You are funny MrBus and being different is a good thing.
Oh're just saying that. Would you still think I was OK if I told you I was an ethnic transvestite hippie with a nose ring and wore only oddly matched stripey stockings with no shoes? Or would you just think I was funny in a not good way?
Oh imc53 you have just proved my theory, you are the very epitome of the type I'm talking about.
And by the way, I have heard the phrase "go back to where you came from" multiple times here in Toowoomba!!! Usually directed at international university students or Sudanese residents - and every time unprompted and unwarranted. It's a shame these ethnocentric attitudes still pervade in the 21st century.
Ohh sweety you seem not to understand the concept of a forum!! Agreement is not the same thing as imitation, and everyone is entitled to share their opinion just as you are quite actively doing. Perhaps bifocals are not the only thing you need.
Not just funny Mrbus downright hilarious i hope its true I'll be able to pick you out in a crowd.
What! So you can pitchfork me out of town?? No thanks...I'll stay home and hose the sozzled teenagers off my footpath. Anyways, if I go out I've learned better than to rock Toowoomba's tiny paper boat, I'll be the one looking awkward and culturally repressed in my moleskins and collar, to be adventurous I might wear stripey socks...or a scarf...or an earring in the wrong ear...or some shimmer gloss lippie....ooh... "now that that's just going too far MrBus, get back into your tiny minded box, why don't you just go back where you came from." (....banjo plays....)
MrBus a few years back i had a friend Neil he was about 6ft 4in and he used to come out to clubs with us dressed as a beautiful woman. He was accepted and loved by everyone. He also invited us to a gay dance at the old army barracks where a great night was had by all. I can't believe things have changed that much. I pretty much accept people as they are and so do my friends. Hope you find a nice crowd. Bye
is any of this slinging match actually of any help to anyone? Little bit over it guys!
I had a lovely gay friend who got badly beaten in a churchyard when we went clubbing for having an earring and it's taken years for his "friends" to accept him as he is, some of them never have. So I s'pose we've both seen different sides of the coin. I've also had asian friends who were racially slurred the entire time they lived here..and I have been told to leave town because I didn't wear shoes. It is ludicrous that these things happen so regularly in a town of this size, in this day and age. There are plenty of small towns where these things happen and you kind of expect it...but Toowoomba is not a small town anymore. It needs to grow up and learn to live with other people.
Many of the general populace is still not as open-minded as you are imc53. That is why so many people get upset living here, we come here being happy open-minded people and get abused and witness atrocious behaviour towards others and it saps all the joy out of you. You've got a thicker skin than I do if you can see past it, and I think maybe you have an important role to play in making change here. The whingers you get upset with have completely valid points and the fact that you love the town does not excuse the apalling behaviour on the streets. I use to love living here too when all that mattered was the parks and flowers.
This slinging match is exactly what Toowoomba is to me. People trying to express themselves, having different views and being trounced for being themselves. Not saying I'm innocent there...but I am a Toowoomba kid after all. I think it's necessary for people considering moving here to know what this town is about, it's definately a town for some and not for others. Well I'm off to the shop to buy some ridiculously over-priced organic vegies and get back to looking for somewhere a little more inspriring and dynamic to live.
Ahhhh.... See all that above? That's Toowoomba for you.
Glad to have left (and I'm sure some friendly local will follow this up with "glad to see ya gone").
In summary: it's a swamp on the top of a hill, filled with small-minded people who love it because most of them have never left and don't realise the place isn't normal.
Beens living here almost 2 years now so thought I would address a few of the comments here and give an update.
Firstly Multiculturalism, Yes I am a Christian and do try to welcome all people, but you only have to see what "some" people from other countries do in other major towns and cities, that gives me and many I know reservations about having them here in Toowoomba. Having said that we go out of our way to make them welcome if they reject that well not much we can do.
Drugs they are sadly everywhere but I have never see drug pushes on any street in Toowoomba as is the case in other cities, sure I accept that it may go on in hidden areas, but again not as bad as other places.
Schools again some very good schools and brand new Mary Mackillop College at Highfields it a top school, as is the brand new Highfields State High school
The complaint lack of shopping, well the 500 million expansion to Grand Central should solve that issue with stage 1 set to open in September.
The range being blocked and closed cutting off supplies, well there is the back road down through Murphy Creek Road so I dont think we are exactly "cut off" with the new by bass approved and under construction that will certainly make the trip to Brisbane faster and save truck drivers time and money in getting there goods not only to Toowoomba but to the Surat Basin.
Nothing for kids to do, again I think Council is starting to address that issue. We now have the new 82 hectare sports park out at Highfields just 20 minuets out of Toowoomba with multiple football, tennis, netball, cricket, soccer pitches with more being added, along with plenty of parking and bathroom facilities.
Well Camp Airport is up and running with direct flights to Cairns, Melbourne, Sydney, as well as regional towns in Qld and destinations are slowly being added.
Cultural, the new City Library has opened and the Empire Theatre has been refurbished.
There are long term plans to develop the old railway yards in to something like Brisbane's south bank, that will be a major plus for residents and tourists.
I have found neighbours to be far better than in other towns I have lived in where after 3 years despite our efforts to make friends we didn't even know who lived next door to us.
Negatives ? Yes I agree Council needs to do far more for the outer suburbs especially in regards to roads and planting trees, but people are still moving here in increasing numbers. We are out near Highfields and the growth is there for all to see. We have 2 good shopping centres providing all we need on a day to day basis.
Over all I still think Toowoomba is a good place to live . My opinion of course.
"The next boom town of Queensland..."
Toowoomba is a place of contradictions.
It is known as the "Garden City" as it's green and, being flood free, has beautiful established gardens, but there is a very public issue with water capacity.
The outer suburbs are sprawling away with a mix of high class McMansions (read Highfield) and lower cost, older developments (read Kingsthorpe).
There are excellent shopping facilities, yet only one medium sized shopping mall.
It's in good vicinity of Brisbane, but it is a 90min "hassle" drive, including the Range.
There are numerous beautiful parks that are great for kids and families, but there are clusters that are off limits during the night (why you would be in a park with family at night puzzles me though).
The bounty of education at Toowoomba is probably unmatched anywhere in Australia, however, school results are mixed.
Entry prices are relatively lower, yet it's due for a boom in the next 5 years of so to "catch up" to Brisbane.
Overall, it is a great place. It's a central hub for South West Queensland and the sheer space surrounding it will ensure growth for years to come, albeit, it has been steady and slow for a few years now. Speaking with a real estate agent and having heard this many times, it's important to note that Toowoomba's prices follow a "stead flat, followed by spike" house value pattern. It happened a few years ago and it will happen again soon...
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You wrote "why you would be in a park with family at night puzzles me though". You wouldn't be in a park at night with your family... but you dont want to go to a park during the day that is littered with used condoms and needles because of the scum that use it during the night....
This is all so very confusing. I think the truth is that any place you live is only as good as your neighbours and you won't know until you live there. I believe Toowoomba is definitely the next boom town in Qld and as for different suburbs reviews - that is changing as well. Newtown for example has been listed on a few sites as the worst for violent crimes and alcohol but here it is listed as one of the best suburbs in Darling Downs. The same with Mount Lofty and Harristown used to be considered the worst but not anymore. I have been ready to purchase a house in Port Street Wilsonton Heights but after reading all these comments (especially people warning off the area with streets named after alcoholic beverages lol) I changed my mind. And then I see someone saying Wilsonton is a good area. I drove around the "alcohol" street and it all seems neat tidy and quiet. I am so confused
Not sure when this review was written, but Toowoomba floods every 10 years. And it the 20 years I've lived here we have had two major droughts, and constantly on strict water restrictions.
"Toowoomba is great!"
Dont know who these people are who think Toowoomba is accessible only by a goat track and full of narrow minded oldies and church goers and where you cant go to parks after dark for fear of attack or find an open restaurant after 9pm. What rubbish!
Toowoomba is a well serviced town with great shops, fantastic parks, many schools and churches and a lovely climate. All this just a short drive to a major capital city. And real estate is at a most affordable price. Love those oldies and church goers too. Both have done alot to make Toowoomba the great town that it is.
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I'd like to know which restaurants are open after 9pm, because I haven't been able to find any..
Hi I was planning to move to Toowoomba. Which are the safe suburbs to bring up my young family. Thanks.
There are a lot of really great areas in Toowoomba to bring up children. I have a young family and live in Centenary Heights. Centenary Heights is close to big shops, parks and several schools and I have found it to be a safe a friendly suburb. I have met the neighbours on either side of our home and regularly have a chat over the fence just like you would have in the good old days. I have other family who live in Rangeville and would recommend there also. Hope that helps!
dgeo Glenvales good
Don't try and catch a train to Brisvegas cause there is only 2 a week that take 4 or 5 hours at midnight, try 1 of the 2 buses that run at the same times 4 or 5 times a day but don't try and get there before 10am or catch the last one home at 5.30 or yer stuck there for the night. And don't get me started on about the Christians or rednecks.....
"Toowoomba - Large busy inland town with great growth."
Toowoomba is known as the garden city and hosts the Australian Carnival of Flowers in September each year. Toowoomba is situated in the Darling Downs are 132 km west of Brisbane and is a thieving community. There are numerous art galleries, museums and arts and craft displays to see as well as plenty of outdoor sporting and recreational events and venues. There are shopping facilities to take care of your every need and loads of accommodation options. Toowoomba has some three bedroom homes at reasonable prices considering the size and amentias or the town. There are also some really land and acreage for sale on the outskirts for the hobby farmers or tree changers.
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"A bustling city servicing the Darling Downs in southern Queensland."
Toowoomba is a lovely city. I didn't know what to expect when we decided to visit. I was taken with the size of it as I had not expected it to be so big, but when you think about the area that it services it really is not that suprising. There is a mixture of the old and the new in Toowoomba. There seems to be something for everyone in Toowoomba.
It is one of the main towns on the inland New England Highway heading north from Victoria.
Toowoomba really has everything that you would wish for in a town. It is situated high up in the mountains, 97 kms from the coast and has commanding views which are really quite stunning.
Fine dining is becoming very popular in Toowoomba and many restaurants have received accolades in the various restaurant awards.
It is a town of parks and space. Wonderful parkland areas have natural bushland with mature trees and these are all very much a feature of the city called the Garden City. In September they have a Carnival of Flowers which attracts so many visitors that you have to book early to get accommodation.
The Cobb & Co Museum is a must to put on your list if you are going into Toowoomba. Cobb & Co transportation played such a big part in the building and servicing of Australia through its formative years.
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hz true. Sometimes I feel backward into the future so eighties 1980s.