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Backyard setting of Homely glass house listing with doors open
Inside living room of Homely townhouse listing with brown furniture
Inside living room of Homely double story unit listing with cream and red furniture
Inside living room of Homely city apartment listing with grey furniture
Inside living room of Homely split level home listing
Front yard of Homely cottage listing

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“Exciting city life without the hefty price tag.”

- RubyShoes, Parramatta, NSW
Ice cream truck on Homely’s review of a Parramatta, NSW
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“You can easily walk along the beach for hours and find yourself just taken by the beauty.”

- susandj, Indented Head, VIC
Beach view on Homely’s review of a Indented Head, VIC
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“We love the friendly locals and have a great choice of cafes, restaurants and wine bars.”

- Sarah Thom, Yarraville, VIC
Outdoor cafe view on Homely’s review of a Yarraville, VIC

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